On your windows 10 computer if you are pressing number keys and number keys not working or shift key not working and number keys don’t respond on your windows 10 keyboard then you can change and uncheck or turn off control your mouse settings and you can try these simple solutions and fix this issue on your own.
Fix Number Keys Not Working in Windows 10
Below troubleshooting methods will help you fix number keys not working on windows 10 or windows 11
Press Num Lock Key
First thing you need to do is cross check whether your number key lock is not locked or not. So, Go ahead and press the number lock key again and see whether your number keys are working or not.
Turn off Control Your Mouse with Keyboard
You need to turn off your mouse settings if you have made changes for mouse / keypad settings.
Step 1: In windows search type settings and open windows settings page.
Step 2: Now, click on ease of access
Step 3: In ease of access settings -> on the left side pane -> click on Mouse option.
Step 4: Now, on the right side pane -> toggle off button (turn off) Control your mouse with a keypad option.
That’s it, once you turn off these settings you need to go ahead and check with your number keys on your windows 10 computer will start working correctly as expected and you will not face any issue of Number keys not working on windows 10 computer.
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Turn off Mouse Keys
Step 1: Open control panel settings
Step 2: Change view by from category to large icon view.
Step 3: Nowl, click on ease of access center
Step 4: Now, scroll down here and locate -> Make the mouse easier to use option and click on it.
Step 5: Uncheck -> Turn on Mouse Keys option.
That’s it, once you uncheck this option your number keys will start working normally.
Hardware Problem Change Keyboard
If there is any hardware issue then you need to change with your keyboard and replace your keyboard. Sometimes the life span of your keyboard may have expired and due to this reason as well you may face this issue of number keys not working or any key.