If you are trying to update xbox on your windows 11 or 10 computer and you are getting an error message app cant update when its open error when updating then you need to re-launch xbox app on windows 11 or 10 and update xbox and other solutions below and apart from playing xbox. So, let’s see in detail below.

XBox App Can’t Update When It’s Open
Follow below solutions to fix xbox app cant update when its open error on windows 10 or 11.
Close and Open Xbox
Step 1: Click on windows search and search for Xbox
Step 2: Open xbox and then close xbox and completely close it and then try to update apps.
After closing and opening xbox on windows 11 or 10 then your issue of XBox App Can’t Update When It’s Open error will be resolved.
Try Repairing on Windows 11 or 10
Step 1: Click on windows search and Open Settings.
Step 2: Now, click on Apps on right side
Step 3: Click on Installed Apps
Step 4: Find Xbox app and click on 3 dots next to it
Step 5: Click on Advanced Options and scroll down and Select Repair option and wait for xbox app to repair.
After repairing xbox app go ahead and update xbox app and your xbox will update successfully and you will not get any error on xbox app.
Reset Xbox App on Windows 11
Step 1: Open windows settings -> Click on Apps
Step 2: Click on Installed apps and select xbox app and click on 3 dots and advanced options
Step 3: Click on Reset Xbox App and wait for windows to reset xbox app and this will reset xbox app data as well.
Once you reset xbox app then you wont get any error on XBox App Can’t Update When It’s Open error message in popup box.
Uninstall and Reinstall xbox
On XBox App if you get error message Can’t Update When It’s Open then you need to uninstall and reinstall xbox app on windows 11 or 10 computer.
What to Do if you Cant Play Xbox Getting Error Message cant Update app when its Open Error
Its your holiday or its a weekend and want to play eagerly xbox on your windows 11 or 10 computer and when you open xbox you get this error cant update error or when updating xbox then its very frustrating and if you are interested in certifications then you can click here and check this one.