How to Fix Windows 10 Stuck on Welcome Screen Before Login or After Update

  • To fix windows 10 stuck on welcome screen before login or after updating windows computer -> you need to enter safe mode and login to your windows computer and uninstall recently installed software and update drivers to the latest version.
  • You can just simply go to advanced troubleshoot options and then Click on System Restore point and restore your system files and settings.
  • You can also restore your system image file located on your computer or restore system image file from your external hard drive or CD etc and fix windows 10 stuck on welcome screen issue.

On your windows 10 computer if your computer is stuck on welcome screen before login or after updating your windows 10 to the latest version then you can try these simple solutions and fix this issue of windows 10 stuck on welcome screen before or after login or after update. So, let’s see in detail below.

If your windows 10 computer gets stuck on login screen or spinning wheel it computer won’t my computer go past the welcome screen and login screen statys for long time displaying welcome screen before entering password and this happens generally if you have updated your windows operating system and having bugs or it could be with the corrupted files on your computer or any other reasons.

Fix Windows 10 stuck on welcome screen before login or after update

Below windows troubleshooting methods will help you get rid of Fix Windows 10 stuck on welcome screen before login or after update and doesn’t allow you to enter password or your windows computer just stays on welcome screen.

Enter Safe Mode and fix

Step 1: From your windows welcome screen or login screen on the bottom right corner you will see power button.

Step 2: Now, hold down the shift key and click on the power button and click on restart.

Step 3: Your windows computer will launch advance troubleshooting settings on your windows computer now.

Step 4: Once you are in advanced troubleshooting settings screen -> Click on  Troubleshoot option.

Step 5: Now, click on Advanced Options.

Step 6: Click on Startup Settings -> Click on Restart Button and now your windows 10 computer will start in safe mode.

Step 7:  Now, press F5 button or F4 button on your keyboard and enter safe mode.

Step 8: Now, enter your windows login password and login to your windows computer.

Step 9: Once you are in safe mode -> you need to uninstall or delete softwares that you have recently installed on your computer and also check with the drivers are updated and if you see any outdated drivers then go ahead and update drivers in safe mode.

That;s it, once you make these changes and start your windows 10 in safe mode then your issue of Windows 10 stuck on welcome screen before login or after update or stuck on login windows issue will be resolved successfully.

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Use System Image Recovery

Step 1: Holding down the shift key click on the power button and enter advanced troubleshooting settings.

Step 2: Now, click on troubleshoot -> Click on Advanced Option.

Step 3: Click on System Image Recovery option

Step 4: Select your Windows Account name and enter password

Step 5: If you are having a system image on your external hard drive then select the option select a system image and click next and locate the system image form your hard drive or CD or USB flash drive and restore the system image.

System Restore

On your windows computer if you are having a system restore point enable and your windows system restore is available then you need to restore your windows system using windows restore point which restore system files and settings and your issue of Windows 10 stuck on welcome screen before login or after update will be fixed.

Vangari Divya
Vangari Divya
Divya is Content Writer and Author and also Reviews Technology Related Articles and Editorial Expert Team Member at A Savvy Web for more than 5 years. She has a Degree in Bachelor of Technology (Btech) and Master of Technology (Mtech) From Kakatiya University. She has an Expertise in Providing Troubleshooting tips and fixes (solutions) and how to articles and helps to solve issues on Technology Related subjects like iPhone, Android, iOS, Windows, All Smart tv’s and other tech related information.

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