Installation failure windows failed to install the following update with error 0x80070020

When you try to update your windows 10 computer and you are getting windows installation error with error code 0x80070020 then you can follow simple methods and fix this issue of windows update install error code 0x80070020 and could not complete windows installation. SO, lets see in detail below.

When you try to update your windows computer to latest version then you will get to see windows installation fail errors like windows update failed to install error code 1909, 1903 or windows unspecified error or windows update error 0x800f0905.

How to Fix Windows Update Install Error 0x80070020

Below methods will help you fix windows update install error 0x80070020 and update your windows computer successfully.

Windows Troubleshoot

Step 1: click on Windows search and type in troubleshoot and open windows troubleshoot settings.

Step 2: Click on Other Troubleshooters

Step 3: Under Most Frequent -> Click on Run Button Next to Windows Update.

Step 4: Wait for windows troubleshooter to detect any issues and it will automatically fix the issue of windows update install error 0x80070020.

Once you run basic windows troubleshooter it will fix any issue with files or corrupted files and will fix the issue of windows update install error 0x80070020 successfully.

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Command Prompt

Step 1: Click on Windows Search and type in CMD

Step 2: Right Click on Cmd and click on Run as Administrator and click on yes if you receive any user account control prompt.

Step 3: Now, in elevated command prompt -> type in sfc /scannow and hit enter and wait for the sfc  scan to complete 100 percent.

Once system file checker (sfc scan) completes then if there are any damaged files or corrupted files on windows computer will be fixed and your issue of windows update install error code 0x80070020 will be fixed.

Restart Windows Update Services

Step 1: Open command prompt as administrator.

Step 2: In command Prompt -> type in net stop wuauserv and hit enter

Step 3: Now, type in net stop bits and hit enter.

Step 4: Close command prompt and restart your computer 

Step 5: Now, open command prompt and type in -> net stop wuauserv and hit enter.

Step 6: and net start bits and hit enter and restart your windows computer.

Once you stop and start windows update services then restart your windows computer and update your windows computer and your windows update will not fail or windows installs will not fail with error code 0x80070020.

Delete Software Distribution Folder

You need to delete software distribution folder from your windows installation location from your c drive and then try to update your windows computer.

Step 1: Open file explorer on windows

Step 2: Open c drive and click on windows folder

Step 3: Scroll down and locate softwareDistribution folder and double click on it.

Step 4: Select all files from here and delete all files

That;s it, once you delete software distribution folder and restart your computer and update your windows computer and you will not get any error like windows update install fails with error code 0x80070020.

Why installer encountered an error 0x800f0905 windows 11?

This happens mainly due to corrupted files or damaged files on your windows computer or while updating windows computer you internet connection may have disconnected or windows update got disconnected. You need to run sfc scan and delete software distribution folder and other methods to fix this windows update 0x800f0905 error.


An error has occurred not all of the updates were successfully uninstalled

Open command prompt as administrator and type in sfc /scannow and hit enter and delete software distribution folder from windows install location from c drive.

How do I force a Windows Update to uninstall?

You can go to settings and check for install update and delete previous updates or delete software distribution folder and run sfc  scan and update windows.

Lakshmi Durga
Lakshmi Durga
Lakshmi Durga is Senior Content Writer and Author and Also a Senior Editorial Team Member at A Savvy Web for More than 5 Years and She writes about technology related subject troubleshooting guides and helps users to solve issues. She has a Degree of Bachelor of Technology (Btech) from Kakatiya University and (Master of Technology) Mtech at Kakatiya University and JNTU university and is a real time Technology expert. She is a Real time Tech Expert and enthusiastic and has an Expertize in this technology area and writes specially on troubleshooting guides, solutions and tips and fixes and how to articles on Tech Related subjects like iPhone, Android, iOS, Smart tv and other tech related information.

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