You can install chrome browser on Samsung smart tv by installing directly from Samsung play store or installing chrome browser by downloading chrome apk file.
Quick way to install chrome is by opening internet web browser on Samsung smart tv and downloading chrome for Samsung smart tv and follow on screen instructions from here.
We always think that is it possible to pull our usual browser chrome on your samsung smart tv and we can say yes for this question. Simply by reading this article and following simple instruction, you can easily install chrome on Samsung tv.
Samsung Smart tv does have a limitations for installed google chrome browser and Samsung tv comes with pre built browser and you can use it.
Well chrome is the best useful browser on the web in all over the world. It will provide more efficient information when compare with other web browsers on Samsung tv and if you want you can also install google play store on samsung tv also and delete preinstalled apps as well.

However, it also provides a huge variety of functions in order to make interactions much fluidly, including alters users to access the unrecommended or unofficial websites.
It also provides simple handy features along with tips in order to make navigation much easier. Sometimes we will take advantage of it and make browsing. It is one of our favourite browser. For this reason we became much fond to it, for a while we think about the other solutions to take it to our Samsung smart tv.

Before doing this installation process we have to download it in our tv(apk), for this we have connect to wifi on both devices to same WiFi network. After the connection is done. You can easily install google chrome on your samsung smart tv. In this article we are providing some quick methods for installing google chrome in your smart tv.

Install Google Chrome Browser on Samsung Smart tv

By Following below methods you can install chrome browser on samsung tv
Method:1 By using Google Chromecast

Step:1 Now in your mobile phone open chrome, tap on main menu (three small dots) at the top right corner of your browser.

Step:2 Next select the submit option which is found in that drop down menu

Step:3 After that a window will open, from there choose the chrome cast device

Step:4 Now lastly, tap on the send icon that displayed on the right sir of your address bar
Also Read: 1) How to install 3rd party apps on Samsung Smart tv using APK, usb
2) How to install Google Play Store on Hisense Smart tv
3) How to install Discovery plus on Samsung smart TV
4) How to Mirror My Mac Screen on a Samsung Smart TV
5) How to fix Samsung Note APP Keep Crashing
Method:2 By Using Google chrome APK

Step:1 In order to download APK of chrome in your PC, then enter the APKpure website in your browser and tap on downlaod APK

Step:2 Now copy that google chrome cast secure file in to you USB.

Step:3 Next keep that USB in you smart tv USB port; Now proceed to install the solid explorer file manager.

Step:4 Now choose the three stripes which on the upper left corner and chose SD card

Step:5 Next tap on APK file for google chrome, and choose open the file with package installer option.
Method:3 Through a Shortcut

Step:1 In your samsung smart tv open the google chrome from your web browser.

Step:2 In order to make favourite how click on the star, which available on the top right corner of the search bar.

Step:3 Next tap on the option to add to local tv, Now the star so change it colour to yellow.

Step:4 The tap on exit

Step:5 Now go to favourite option and then go to google chrome shortcut
From this article you have learned how to install google chrome on your Samsung smart tv
With this your smart tv works efficiently and improves the speed of google chrome and works similarly like PC.
Using Web Browser
You can update samsung smart tv web browser by updating your samsung smart tv software version and go to system and update samsung web browser.

Step 1: Press home button and Go to settings

Step 2: Go to Support -> Software update and check for update and update samsung smart tv and web browser will be updated.

Fix Samsung smart tv Internet Browser Problems
When you are browsing internet you may experience issues with samsung tv web browser not working or samsung tv blocking websites or internet browser responding slow or not connecting to internet.
If you experience any of these issues then you need to update samsung smart tv and perform a power reset by unplugging power cable for 30 seconds and wait for 30 seconds and plug back.
You can also try resetting network settings and check your internet connection and reset your modem or router.
How do i Find the Web Browser on Samsung smart tv
Step 1: Press home button on your remote
Step 2: Go to Apps section -> Navigate to left and find internet browser and open web browser on samsung tv
You can go to apps section and see the list of apps which are installed on your samsung smart tv and open chrome or internet web browser on samsung smart tv.
Why Cant i Download Google Chrome on Samsung tv?
Samsung tv runs on Tizen OS and google chrome doesnt run on it and it runs on android OS and you need to use samsung default interent browser to browse web.