Fix Wifi icon not showing in windows 10 or Missing wifi icon

When you are trying to connect to WIFI on our laptop or computer and suddenly wifi icon not showing on your taskbar in windows 10 and you are unable to connect to internet using WIFI then there are couple of different methods to fix this issue by changing settings which icons to show in taskbar settings, by turning off windows explorer or restart windows explorer and by using gepedit.msc settings in windows 10 to bring back missing icon of wifi not showing in taskbar, let’s see in detail how to fix WIFI icon not showing in windows 10 below:

Fix WIFI icon not showing in windows 10:

Turn on Network Icons to show icons to appear in taskbar

Step 1: Click on start menu and click on gear icon (settings) and open settings

Step 2: Click on personalization


Step 3: on the left hand side pane ->click on taskbar.

Step 4: Now scroll down in taskbar windows where it says notification area.


Step 5: Under notification area ->click on Turn system icons on and off

Step 6: New windows of turn on and off icons window will open and from here you can choose which option or icon to show in taskbar icon like, network, action centre, clock, power icon, touch keypad etc.


Step 7: Now make sure that network is turned on. (if it is turned off wifi icon will not show in taskbar) turn it on.

Step 8: Now go back to taskbar settings window and click on Select which icon appear on taskbar

Step 9: In this windows turn on network icon.

Note: By turning it on wifi icon not showing in windows 10 will be back on taskbar

Step 10: Now close all settings windows once you turn on network icon to show in taskbar.

That’s it this is how you fix wifi icon not showing in windows 10 in taskbar which is missing in taskbar will start appearing once it is enabled or turned on.

If your wifi icon is still missing even after enabling network option in which icon to appear on taskbar then try below method.

Restart windows explorer in Task Manger settings :

Step 1: right click on taskbar and select task manager.

Step 2: In Task manager ->under processes tab scroll down and find windows explorer.

Step 3: Select windows explorer and click on restart at the bottom.

Once you click on restart your taskbar will restart and will start showing missing wifi icon not showing in windows 10.

Using run gepedit settings to fix wifi icon not showing in windows 10:

Step 1: Press windows key + R to bring windows run windows on screen

Step 2: Now type gpedit.msc and hit enter or ok.

Step 3: Now local group policy editor settings window will open

Step 4: On right side pane->under user configuration->Expand Administrative templates

Step 5: Now select Start menu and taskbar option

Step 6: Now on the right hand side ->scroll down and find -> remove network icon from taskbar

Step 7: Now double click on network icon from taskbar->Select Disabled.

Step 8: Click Apply and ok and exit all open windows

Step 9: Restart your computer now, to reflect the changes that you have made.

That’s it, once you restart your computer, you wifi icon now showing in windows 10 which is missing will start showing up in taskbar.

Where can I find WIFI icon in windows 10 Settings:

You can find wifi icon in settings->taskbar->windows sytem settings and notification area you will see which icon to show or appear on windows 10 taskbar and turn system icons on and off in windows 10.

Why WIFI icon is not showing in windows 10?

Some time due to no reason or with any update on your system software in windows 10 or newly installed software or windows 10 update may cause this issue of wifi icon is not showing in windows 10 and missing wifi icon. Just enable which icons to show on taskbar by changing settings in notification area in windows 10.

How to fix missing wifi icon or wifi icon not showing in windows 10?

You can bring back missing wifi icon or wifi not showing in windows 10 by 3 methods, by enabling which icons to show in windows taskbar in personalization->show which icon to appear on taskbar menu and turn it on and second method is by restarting windows explorer and third method is by gpedit.msc setting and disabling it and restarting your windows 10 computer will fix the issue if wifi icon not showing in windows 10 or missing wifi icon.

Ramana Tula is a - Technical Content Writer and he is a Full stack Web and Android Developer also - SEO Manager and also manages Digital Marketing.

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