On your windows 10 or windows 11 computer when you type something on your keyboard and keyboard is typing wrong letters or random letters and wrong characters and words even though you type the correct letters on your keyboard then by following these simple methods you can get back your laptop keyboards back to normal easily on your own and also fix keyboard lagging issues when typing. So, let’s see in detail below.
If your keyboard is typing different letters or words then first thing you need to check is languag and region and make sure the language is set to english (united states).
Fix Keyboard Typing Wrong Letters
Below methods will help you get back you keyboards typing wrong letters or character or words on your keyboard when you type correct letters.
Troubleshoot Keyboard
Step 1: Click on Search icon on your windows computer or laptop and type in troubleshoot and open windows troubleshooter.
Step 2: On right side pane -> Click on Other troubleshooter option.
Step 3: Under other Section -> Scroll down and click on keyboard
Step 4: Click on Run next to keyboard option and wait for your windows 10 or 11 computer to run the diagnosis for you and detect the problem with your keyboard and will automatically fix the issue for you.
Also Read: 1) Turn OFF on-screen Keyboard Click Sound in Windows 10 or 11
2) Fix: can’t pair Bluetooth keyboard on windows 10
3) How to fix Corrupted dollar sign Recycle Bin on Windows 10
4) How to Fix Any Lenovo Laptop Dim Light Screen on Windows 10
5) How to activate windows 10 for free (using txt) or Product key or remove windows 10 watermark
Uninstall Keyboard Device from Device Manager
Step 1: In Search icon -> type in Device Manager -> Open Device manger settings.
Step 2: Double click on keyboard
Step 3: Right Click on keyboard device which is installed on your computer -> Select Uninstall Device.
Step 4: Now, select uninstall keyboard device in pop up box and confirm uninstalling keyboard device and select restart option.
Now, wait for your windows computer to restart and install necessary updated keyboard drivers for you and now, your keyboard on your windows 10 or 11 will be working fine without any issue and now when you type letters correct letters will be displayed without any issue.
Check Time language and Region
Step 1: In windows search -> type in time and laguage
Step 2: Open time and language settings
Step 3: In right side pane -> Select language and region
Step 4: Make sure that window display language is set to English (United States).
Update Windows
Step 1: In windows search -> type in windows update and check for updates option.
Step 2: Now, let your windows 10 or 11 computer check for updates and if any update is available then go ahead and download and install windows updates your windows 10 or 11 computer.
Thats it, by following above methods and changing language to english united states and update drivers and downloading and installing latest version of windows will help you fix keyboard typing wrong letters issue on windows 10 or 11 computer.