If you have updated your sony bravia smart tv to the latest software update and you are experiencing an issue of home button not working on your remote and when you press home button nothing happens and sony smart tv doesn’t respond to the home button then you can fix this issue easily by following these simple steps. SO, let’s see in detail below.
Many users reported this issue of sony bravia smart tv not working and menu button not working after updating it to latest android version and few of them have cleared cache and solved the issue and factory reset sony bravia smart tv.
Fix Sony Bravia Home button Not Working After Update
Below sony bravia troubleshooting guide will help you fix sony bravia smart tv remote home button not working after update and get back your home button working again.
Power Reset
Step 1: Turn on Sony Bravia smart tv Unplug power cable of sony smart tv
Step 2: Now, wait for 60 seconds and plug back the power cable and turn on your sony bravia smart tv.
If you are having any technical or software glitches on your sony smart tv then your issue of home button not working on sony smart tv after update issue will be resolved.
Clear cache on Sony Bravia Smart tv
Step 1: Grab your remote and press help button.
Step 2: Using Arrow keys on your remote -> Navigate to Help Guide and Press ok button.
Step 3: Press down arrow and Go to Settings
Step 4: Select Configuring The TV Option and Press ok on your remote.
Step 5: Now, you need to Select TV and Press Middle ok button on your sony smart tv remote.
Step 6: Go down and select Blue Arrow and Press ok which will show additional menu settings here.
Step 7: Select TV and Select your category -> Select Apps
Step 8: Select System Software Update
Step 9: Select Clear Cache (clear Data) and Press ok and wait for your sony bravia smart tv to clear cache and clear data as well.
That’s it, once you clear cache or clear data of your sony smart tv then your issue of home button not working on your sony bravia smart tv after update issue will be fixed successfully.
Also Read:
1) How to Fix Sony Smart TV Not Showing Apps or Missing Apps
2) How to Fix Sony Smart tv HDMI Ports not Working
3) How to Fix Peacock Tv Not Working on Sony Bravia Smart tv
4) Ho to Fix USB not Working on Sony Bravia TV
5) How to Fix Cast to device not working Sony Bravia Smart tv
Pair your Remote Again
Step 1: Grab your sony tv remote and power on your sony tv
Step 2: Now, go to settings
Step 3: Select Remote and Accessories
Step 4: Select Remote control and Press ok.
Step 5: Select Connect a new Remote.
Step 6: Now, press and hold volume down and press microphone button for 3 to 5 seconds on your sony tv remote
Step 7: Now, you will see your sony tv remote is now paired.
Once you pair your sony tv remote to your sony tv, then go ahead and check with home button now and hopefully your issue will be resolved.
Factory Reset Sony Bravia Smart tv
Warning: Factory reset will erase everything from your sony smart tv including installed apps, wifi connection networks, internal data and everything and it will be like a brand new sony tv.
If the above method doesn’t work, then you need to factory reset your sony smart tv and fix home button not working after the update issue on sony tv.
Step 1: Press the home button on your sony bravia smart tv.
Step 2: Go to settings
Step 3: Select Storage and Rest and Press ok
Step 4: Now, Select factory Data Reset and Press ok button on sony remote
Step 5: Confirm factory data reset by selecting erase everything and press ok button and select yes and confirm.
Step 6: Now, wait for your sony smart tv to reset your sony smart tv and then erase everything and restore its settings back to its original default settings.
Once you erase everything on sony smart tv and factory reset sony tv then go ahead and complete the setup process again and your sony smart tv will be like a brand new smart tv and your issue of home button not working after update will be resolved.
Why Sony tv home button not working after update
This can be due to software glitches or temporary issue with software and you can try clearing cache of sony smart tv and reset your sony tv remote and unpair and pair your sony tv remote again and factory reset.
Power reset your sony bravia smart tv and unplug power cable for 30 seconds and plug back and then turn on and update software to latest version to fix home button black screen and factory reset sony tv and fix.
Clear cache and all data on sony tv and factory reset your sony tv and restore its settings to its factory default settings (this method will erase everything from your sony tv and it will be like a brand new tv – all data, installed apps, internal memory and everything will be wiped out).