Ho to Fix USB not Working on Sony Bravia TV

By using sony bravia TV you can play music, videos, photos etc., from  USB device. Bravia smart TV include one or two USB ports and that will enable the data transfer between TV and storage device. Sometimes you may find USB not working on Sony tv when connected. If there is a problem with USB not recognizing USB connections then you have to update sony tv, because you cannot install update from flash device that you have to download from Sony.

USB Stopped Working on TV

If USB is not working on your TV means your software is running on out of date then verify the most recent software update on your TV and follow the below steps to update the software.

Step 1: Click on settings button your remote or you can use the configuration menu.

Step 2: In that menu, go for the customer support section.

Step 3: Choose setup or product support and select software update from menu.

Step 4: Then select the appropriate button on your remote to begin update.

If there is no any software update is available, that means your TV already  running on latest software but still USB is not recognizing then follow the below method.

Sony TV Not Recognizing USB

If Sony TV is not recognizing USB link, then reconnect or replace the USB cable or cord. If it is not fixing the problem, verify the USB cable is able to transfer the data. Many sony TV will be unable to detect the data storage on drive and you can overcome this problem by reconfiguring USB memory device using computer.

Step 1: Open file explorer and give right click on USB drive.

Step 2: Now, choose format and from that pick FAT32 as your target file system.

Step 3: Choose the quick format checkbox and start formatting the flash drive.

If you have not find any difference then repeat the same procedure but uncheck the quick format box. Don’t adjust the USB drives frequently and regular formatting the drive may cause the damage and incompatible with TV.

Also Read: 1) How to fix Sony Smart tv Not Detecting WIFI

2) How to fix Sony Smart TV Connected But No Internet

3) How to Turn on and Turn off Airplay on Sony Smart tv

4) How to Fix Sony Bravia Smart tv Remote Control Not Working

5) How to Update apps on Sony Bravia Smart TV

Don’t TV Not Supporting USB

Sony TVs which are manufactured before 2013 are limited to support FAT32, FAT12, EXFAT file system for USB. But modern smart TVs support any USB format and Make sure that USB is formatted correctly according to your TV model. Still you are continuously receiving error message after formatting, then flash drive of USB ports are burn out.

Make sure that the ports are entirely dust free, sometimes dust on ports may also cause minor communication issue.

Factory Reset Sony TV

The troubleshooting which help you to restore USB connectivity for your Sony TV then perform factory reset. This method will fix any TV settings which cause the USB link to fail.

Step 1: Go for your device settings menu and choose device preferences.

Step 2: Now, scroll down to reset and select factory reset from menu.

Step 3: Finally, choose confirm Or Yes.

Factory Reset Sony Bravia Standard Model

If you are using TV in a standard model, then you can perform a factory reset by using below steps.

Step 1: Remove the power wire from socket for few minutes.

Step 2: Reconnect it and then TV should Turn on immediately.

Step 3: Just wait for 30 seconds, press and hold the up arrows on your remote control.

Step 4: While holding the buttons continuously, press and maintain force on power button on your TV until screens reads reset.

Step 1: If Reset is not being displayed on your device , but the TV will switch on and off.

Step 2: The initial configuration indicates whether you have completed the previous steps correctly.

Step 3: By following on screen instructions complete the initial configuration.

Vangari Divya
Vangari Divya
Divya is Content Writer and Author and also Reviews Technology Related Articles and Editorial Expert Team Member at A Savvy Web for more than 5 years. She has a Degree in Bachelor of Technology (Btech) and Master of Technology (Mtech) From Kakatiya University. She has an Expertise in Providing Troubleshooting tips and fixes (solutions) and how to articles and helps to solve issues on Technology Related subjects like iPhone, Android, iOS, Windows, All Smart tv’s and other tech related information.

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