How to Fix Peacock Tv Not Working on Sony Bravia Smart tv

On your sony smart tv if you have installed peacock tv and all of sudden peacock tv not working or Peacock tv keeps closing or becoming unresponsive or any other issues with peacock tv on sony smart tv then you can easily fix these peacock tv issues by simple and effective solutions. So, let’s see them in detail below.

On Sony Brava Smart tv – Peacock tv app or any other apps like youtube, Discovery Plus, Hulu App Netflix or amazon prime not working on sony tv is a common issues and sometimes due to cache and due to software glitches (always update Sony tv to latest version).

Fix Peacock Tv Not Working on Sony Bravia Smart tv

Below peacock tv troubleshooting methods will help you fix issues with peacock tv.

Unplug Power Plug and Plug it Back

Step 1: Turn on your sony tv and unplug your power plug from the wall socket.

Step 2: Wait for 60 seconds

Step 3: Plug back power cable and turn on your sony bravia smart tv and once your sony tv gets restarted then go ahead and check open peacock tv and your issue of peacock tv not working will be fixed successfully and you will be up and running with peacock tv on sony bravia smart tv.

Removing the power cable is called power reset (hard reset) method and this method will fix almost all issues with your sony bravia smart tv. If you still face issues then you can try other below methods and fix peacock tv with sony bravia smart tv.

Unplug Router / Modem wifi Cables

Step 1: Remove router / modem power plug from wall socket.

Step 2: Wait for 60 seconds

Step 3: Plug back router / modem power cable and turn on wifi and connect your sony tv to your wifi.

Once your sony bravia smart tv turns on and wait for your sony tv to connect to wifi and once connected go ahead and open peacock tv and see if the issue is resolved or not.

Also Read: 1) How to Download, Install and Watch Spectrum TV on Sony Smart TV

2) Can’t Find BritBox App on Sony Smart TV

3) Sony Smart tv Factory Reset without remote hard reset

4) How to fix YouTube Not Working on Sony Bravia Smart tv

5) How to Install Hotstar on Sony Smart TV

Clear Cache and Clear Data of Peacock tv

Step 1: Press home button on your remote

Step 2: Go to settings

Step 3: Select Apps -> See All apps

Step 4: In System apps -> Select peacock tv app 

Step 5: Now, select clear data and select ok

Step 6: Now, select Clear cache and select ok or select clear all data and press ok.

One you delete cache and clear data your peacock tv on sony smart tv will be working fine without any issues.

Update your Sony Bravia tv

Step 1: Press help button on your sony tv remote

Step 2: Select system software update

Step 3: Check for updates and download and install the latest update sony tv.

Delete and Reinstall Peacock TV App 

You need to uninstall or delete and reinstall app on sony tv and get your peacock tv app work

Step 1: Grab your remote and press home button

Step 2: Go to My apps

Step 3: Locate the peacock tv app and delete / uninstall peacock tv app

Reinstall Peacock tv APP

Step 4: To install peacock tv app -> Go to My apps section

Step 5: In My apps -> Search for peacock tv app

Step 6: Click on install and wait for your sony smart tv to download and install peacock tv app.

Once you install the peacock tv app you will need to login to your peacock tv app with your peacock tv login credentials.

Use Roku or Amazon fire tv or Other Streaming devices

If all the above methods does not help to fix peacock tv not working on sony smart tv then go ahead and buy streaming devices like roku, amazon fire tv stick or any other streaming devices and insert them on back of your sony smart tv and watch peacock tv on sony smart tv.

How do I Get Peacock on My Sony Bravia smart TV?

You can get peacock tv and install it on sony braiva smart tv by using google playstore on new versions of sony tv models or you can use Roku, firestick or any other streaming devices and connect it to your sony tv and install peacock tv and by installing 3rd party apps using apk and sideload apps as well.

Rajeshwari Chiluveru
Rajeshwari Chiluveru
Rajeshwari is Senior Content Writer, Author, and Also Senior Editorial Team Member at A Savvy Web and She has a Degree in Bachelor of Technology (Btech) and (Master of Technology) Mtech from JNTU and is a real time expert. She writes about technology guides and troubleshooting guides (tips and Solutions) and helps users to solve issues easily. She has expertise in this area for more than 5+ years of experience and enthusiastic to provide troubleshooting tips and fixes and how to articles on Tech Related subjects like iPhone, Android, iOS, Smart tv and other tech related solutions and easy methods to fix.

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