Due to some technical glitch reasons when your apps are not working on Sony bravia smart tv by uninstalling apps on sony Bravia smart tv works for you and if you want to remove or delete an app or uninstall apps which you don’t want on your Sony bravia smart tv then there is pretty straight forward method to do that, let’s see how to uninstall apps on Sony Bravia smart tv.
You can uninstall apps on Sony bravia smart tv by two different methods lets see both the methods in detail.

How to Uninstall apps on Sony Bravia tv:
Press and Hold Enter Button to Uninstall Apps on Sony Bravia Smart tv
Step 1: On your Sony smart tv Remote tap on home button.
Step 2: Now navigate to apps section using your remote and click on enter.

Step 3: Now you will see all apps installed on your Sony Bravia smart tv.
Step 4: Find the apps using remote by up and down by button and select the application which you want to delete or uninstall apps on Sony Bravia smart tv.

Step 5: Once you are on the application which you want to delete, Press and hold the middle ok button on your remote.
Step 6: Once you press and hold more options will pop up.
Step 7: From here just scroll up and click on Uninstall.
Step 8: It will prompt you for conformation of uninstalling apps on Sony bravia smart tv. Press ok to uninstall.

Step 9: Now uninstalling apps on Sony bravia happens in just seconds.
That’s it this is how you delete or uninstall apps on Sony bravia smart tv successfully.
Go to AAPS section and Click on Uninstall:

Step 1: Click on menu button on your remote
Step 2: Go to aaps section
Step 3: Select Google Playstore
Step 4: Select apps which are already installed on your Sony bravia smart tv

Step 5: Once you open app on google play store which you want to uninstall click uninstall from playstore.
Step 6: Once you click on uninstall, app will uninstall form Sony Bravia smart tv.
Why to Uninstall Apps on Sony Bravia Smart tv?
There are several reasons to uninstall apps on Sony Bravia smart tv and install apps on Sony bravia tv again and fee of the main reasons are if you apps on Sony Bravia smart tv are not functioning properly or you are facing issues with blank screen for example YouTube with blank screen, or no audio but picture, Netflix not working issue or any other issue, then uninstalling and installing apps on Sony Bravia smart tv will help fix the issue on your Sony tv will fix the issue.
GO to Apps section->Select application which you want to uninstall->Press and hold menu ok button->Click on Uninstall app from sony bravia smart tv.
If you are facing issue on Sony Bravia smart tv like YouTube blank screen, Netflix not working on any error with any other application on Sony tv, uninstalling or installing helps fixing issue.
Deleting and uninstalling apps is same in Sony smart tv, just uninstall the application if you don’t wish to wish to use anymore on Sony Bravia smart tv.