How to Fix FaceTime Call Not Working on MacBook Pro or Air MacOS Monterey

On your MacBook pro or Air with MacOS Monterrey when you’re trying to facetime call on your macbook pro or air and facetime not working on macbook air or Facetime black screen on call or facetime won’t connect or cant call or any other issue with facetime on your MacBook pro or air MacOS Monterey then this issue can be fixed easily. So, let’s see in detail below.

Many MacBook m1 pro or Air users experience this issue after they have updated there macbook to latest macOS monterey or later and if Facetime not working on macbook air or facetime call not working when trying to make a call on facetime and call failed message then you need to make sure that your camera is working properly on your MacBook or not and other methods.

FaceTime Call Not Working on MacBook Pro or Air MacOS Monterey

Below methods will help you get rid of facetime issue on your MacBook pro or air on MacOS Monterey or MacOS Big Sur or any MacOS and get your facetime call working again.

Check Contact is Blocked

First thing you need to check is your contact is not blocked, your mobile number or email address or contact info is not blocked. If it’s blocked then facetime call will not work and call gets failed.

Check your Internet Connection

Check whether your macbook pro or air is connected to wifi internet and not having any wifi connectivity issues or frequent wifi disconnecting issues on your mac.

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Add Facetime Contact to Mac

Step 1: Open Contacts app

Step 2: Click on Plus icon (+) on bottom and select new Contact

Step 3: Now, enter required contact information and Click on Done.

Step 4: Once you add contact to facetime then click on facetime icon and directly call from here and your facetime call will get connected successfully.

Turn off Content and Privacy Restrictions on MacBook pro or Air

Step 1: Click on Apple logo and click on System Preferences

Step 2: Click on Screentime

Step 3: On left side menu -> Click on Content and Privacy.

Step 4: Click on Turn off content and Privacy Restrictions.

Once you turn off content and privacy restrictions then go ahead and make a call on facetime and your facetime call will get connected and facetime call not working issue will be resolved successfully.

Check FaceTime Status

Open up safari web browser and type in apple system status and open apple system status website and if there is an issue with apple downtime then your facetime call will not work and wait for a couple of hours try making call on facetime.

Signout and Sign In to your Apple ID

Step 1: Click on apple logo -> Select System Preferences

Step 2: Click on Apple ID

Step 3: Click on Overview and click on Signout on bottom and click on keep a copy

Step 4: Enter your Apple ID password and click continue and enter your MacBook password and click on ok and signout of apple id.

Step 5: Now, wait for couple of minutes and then enter your apple ID and password

Step 6: Enter your macBook password and click on ok -> click on Merge and click on Allow and enter your password to unlock you mac.

That’s it, once you sign out of your apple id and login back to your apple id then your issue with facetime calling or facetime not connecting or face time call failed error on your macbook pro or air with m1 chip macOS Monterey issue will be resolved finally.

Vangari Divya
Vangari Divya
Divya is Content Writer and Author and also Reviews Technology Related Articles and Editorial Expert Team Member at A Savvy Web for more than 5 years. She has a Degree in Bachelor of Technology (Btech) and Master of Technology (Mtech) From Kakatiya University. She has an Expertise in Providing Troubleshooting tips and fixes (solutions) and how to articles and helps to solve issues on Technology Related subjects like iPhone, Android, iOS, Windows, All Smart tv’s and other tech related information.

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