2004 windows 10 update failed to install – Delete windows Folders

When you try to install or update windows 10 and suddenly your pc or laptop says windows 10 update fail to install 2004 and see installation errors and check your windows log to get indepth details why 2004 windows 10 update failed to installation failed and this error is common for every windows 10 users with easy fixes as well, so let’s see in detail how to fix 2004 windows 10 update failed to install in details.

2004 windows 10 update failed to install:

Run basic Troubleshoot to fix 2004 windows 10 update failed to install

Step 1: Click on start button and open settings.

Step 2: on the left side pane click on troubleshoot.

Step 3: Now on right side pane click on Additional troubleshooter.

Step 4: Click on windows update and run the troubleshooter.

Step 5: A new windows will pop up and windows 10 will run troubleshooter for you and detect problems with windows 10 update failed to install error and follow onscreen instructions to fix this issue

Once your troubleshooter completes fixes it says no error detected and error 2004 windows 10 update failed to install will be fixed.

Services settings to fix 2004 windows 10 update failed to install

Step 1: Click on start men and type services

Step 2: Open services settings

Step 3: Now in windows service settings->on the right side pane find windows 10 update.

Step 4: Double click on windows 10 update and change start up type from manual to automatic.

Step 5: Once you change settings->stop and start services status, make sure services status is running.

Step 6: Now search for windows installer and double click on it.

Step 7: Change status from automatic to manual and stop and service.

Delete Files and Folders to fix 2004 Windows 10 Update Failed to Install:

Step 1:  Go to This PC->Local C drive (or windows inatalltion folder).

Step 2: Open windows->SoftwareDistribution->Select ALL and delete all files.

Note 1: All the windows 10 installation will be stored in the location.

Note 2: If you are unable to delete folder then close all windows open application or files and delete them.

Step 3: Go ahead and restart you computer and try to update windows 10 again you will not be getting windows 10 update failed to install any more.

Allow Downloads 2004 windows 10 update failed to install:

Step 1: Click on start settings->Update and security

Step 2: Advanced options

Step 3: Make sure you turn on receive update options for the other Microsoft products when you update windows.

Step 4: Also make sure you turn on, if are using download updates over metered connections mentored

Step 5: Scroll down and click on delivery optimization->Click on Advanced options.

Step 6: Change settings->Percentage of limit how much bandwidth is used for downloading in the background using bar.

Step 7: And turn on allow downloads form PC.

Why 2004 windows 10 update failed to install?

This may be due to corrupted windows 10 installation which may be caused by interrupting windows 10 installation while its getting updated, like improper shutdown, power, internet disconnection or corrupted files.

How to fix 2004 windows 10 update failed to install?

There are couple of methods to fix, delete windows 10 folder, services settings and stop and start services and allow downloads.

Ramana Tula is a - Technical Content Writer and he is a Full stack Web and Android Developer also - SEO Manager and also manages Digital Marketing.

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