How to Fix Instagram Post Unavailable Problem

On your Instagram when you are trying to open a post shared with you or trying to access post on Instagram and you are getting to see error message “Instagram post unavailable and it may be deleted” then you can easily fix this issue on android or iPhone. So, lets see in detail below.

How to Fix Instagram Post Unavailable Problem

On instagram you can experience many issues like instagram showing only posts and if your post or reel is deleted then you can restore deleted posts or images on instagram or instagram brightness increasing automatically or any other issues with instagram posts or reel or instagram account then you can easily fix all issues of instagram easily.

How to fix Instagram Post Unavailable Problem

Below instagram troubleshooting methods will help you fix instagram post unavailable issue on instagram.

Open Message as soon as it Shared with your 

To fix this issue all you need to do is open instagram post which is shared with you before the post getting deleted or live video or reel post gets expired and if you are seeing post unavailable then this means post not longer available to view on instagram and this is pretty normal scenario.

Shared Video or Post Does Not Exist Any More or Deleted

This error Instagram Post Unavailable Problem is pretty normal and this happens if someone deletes the post.

Also Read:

1) How to Fix Screen Time Not Working on Instagram, youtube, Snapchat

2) Solved: Instagram video call not working on Android Phone

3) How to Fix Instagram Story Not Deleting on iPhone and Android

4) How to Fix Instagram Story Music Not Available

5) Sorry There Was A Problem With Your Request Instagram Problem

Sharing live Video or Reel on Your Instagram Messenger

If someone shares a live video or reel and sends you a message to watch live on instagram and that live video has ended then you can’t access the video shared on your messenger and it shows Instagram Post Unavailable as the live video has ended.

Post Deleted By User

If someone share a post on your messenger and when the user deletes the post which is shared with you then you can see this message in your inbox instagram post unavailable because it has been deleted.

Instagram Post Deleted Due to Copyright or Restriction

If someone shared a post on your instagram messenger which violates instagram policies then instagram will automatically delete the post and the post will no longer be accessible by any one and it can show the post unavailable and it has been deleted.

Post unavailable Instagram blocked

If the post or shared reel or video which is shared from a group to your instagram messenger and the admin or page has deleted the post or instagram blocked the page then you can see this error post unabile and instagram blocks the post if it violates policis of instagram and post will get deleted and you will see post unavailable message as the post doesn’t exist any more.

Why Instagram Post Unavailable

This can be due to the post no longer available on instagram or the shared video or live streaming on instagram which is shared with you has been expired or live streaming is completed or reel post doesn’t exit then you can see this issue of instagram post unavailable or the post has been deleted by the user.


Why does it say post unavailable on instagram dm

Because if the post has been deleted or the shared post doesn’t exits anymore and the post has been deleted by user or admin etc.

Post unavailable on Instagram message

If the post that is shared with you on instagram message is deleted then you will see post unavailable and this is normal and its shows when posts gets deleted or reel or live video gets ended.

Lakshmi Durga
Lakshmi Durga
Lakshmi Durga is Senior Content Writer and Author and Also a Senior Editorial Team Member at A Savvy Web for More than 5 Years and She writes about technology related subject troubleshooting guides and helps users to solve issues. She has a Degree of Bachelor of Technology (Btech) from Kakatiya University and (Master of Technology) Mtech at Kakatiya University and JNTU university and is a real time Technology expert. She is a Real time Tech Expert and enthusiastic and has an Expertize in this technology area and writes specially on troubleshooting guides, solutions and tips and fixes and how to articles on Tech Related subjects like iPhone, Android, iOS, Smart tv and other tech related information.

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