Blinking screens on Vizio TV can be the result of several issues and it may result in unpleasantness while watching. The dimming TV screen effect is like strobe light and may show flashes of black or vizio tv power light flashes 15 times or flashing black screen or vizio tv flickering horizontal lines and you can also see vizio smart tv turns on with no picture. It may result in poor cable signal and any malfunction device attached to your TV or internal hardware failure. Check whether your TV has an energy efficiency feature that can be causing the issue.

Fix Vizio Smart tv Blinking ON and OFF
Below simple vizio smart tv blinking light or Vizio smart tv not turning on troubleshooting methods will help you fix Vizio smart tv issues easily.
Quick Fixes for Blinking TV

1) Turn off the TV and Then On it back to reset the TV.
2) Unplug the TV from power outlet for 3-5 minutes to reset and check connection of cables from and to the TV.
3) Once check is the any faulty component connected to TV.
4) In the TV menu disable the energy efficient feature.
5) Check input source whether the issue is with the TV or a component.
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2) How to fix VIZIO Smart tv Not Connecting to wifi?
3) Vudu App Not Working on Vizio Smart TV, frozen, blank, loading, Not opening
4) Apps Not Working on VIZIO Smart Tv Try This
5) How to Connect VIZIO Smart Tv to WIFI Internet
Check and Reconnect All Connections
1) Check all the cables connecting to your TV that may include HDMI component or composite cable along with coaxial cable coming from your cable outlet.
2) Check for any tears or frays in cable that cause any wear or in consistent signal sent to your TV. Replace all cables if necessary and reconnect them to your TV.
Advanced Video Settings
1) Vizio smart TV allows you to see number of effects that are designed for viewing effects in “Advanced video settings”. By using this settings may cause flickering problem. These feature may include backlight control, ambient lighting etc and more options. You have to disable these options under the “Advanced video settings”.
2) Power off your TV to determine the options that are causing your TV to flickering.
Discharge your TV
1) Vizio TV contains a “Random access memory” or RAM like other electronic devices and that act erratically after long period of continuous use.
2) Free up the available RAM by unplugging your TV and press the power button for 30 seconds. And then turn on your TV back into the power supply. Check if it still flickering.
Power Cycle Vizio Smart TV Equipment
Backlight Failure
Vizio LCD TVs uses the two types of backlight cold cathode and fluorescent lamps. While visio claims LCD TVs upto 100,000 viewing hours and LCD screens cannot self-illuminate, requires third party backlight to brighten the colors produced by liquid Crystal’s.
So, before complete burn out it shows warning signs like flickering, dimming, flashing. Even if your backlight dead, the liquid Crystal’s will produce theirs colors, shining flashlight at 45 degrees allows you to see those colors, signifying that screen itself is still working, but that the backlight doesn’t have enough process to illuminate it.
Vizio tv Power Light Blinking No Picture
Power cycle or power rest vizio smart tv by removing all power cables from back of vizio smart tv and wait for 60 seconds and plug them back and turn on vizio smart tv and remove and plug back power cables properly without loose connection and check with backlight settings on vizio smart tv.
Vizio tv Flashing Black Screen
If you are seeing flashing black screen on vizio smart tv then there is an issue with cables and you need to remove and insert cables back on vizio smart tv and replace cables with new power source cables and fix flashing black screen issue.
Vizio tv power light flashing 15 times
Simply you need to power reset vizio smart tv and turn on Vizio smart tv and then remove power cables from wall socket and wait for 60 seconds and plug them back to vizio smart tv wall socket and turn on vizio smart tv and your issue of power light flashing 15 times issue will be resolved.
Why is my Vizio TV turning on and then off?
If connected cables on back of vizio smart tv becomes faulty or cables have moved or not connected properly to power source then you will experince this issue and you need to replug all cables tightly and properly and power rest vizio smart tv to fix blinking lights on and off or vizio tv turning on and then off.
Contact Vizio Smart tv Support
If above steps doesn’t fir your vizio TV problems, then contact your TV manufacturer for help.