When you turn on toshiba smart tv and you are seeing red blinking light but toshiba tv wont turn on or no sound on toshiba smart tv or toshiba tv black screen and it can be an issue like toshiba tv won’t turn on no lights then you can easily fix your toshiba smart tv red light blinking not turning on issue easily and quickly by just following these simple steps. So, let’s see in detail below.
Toshiba tv won’t turn on and red light blinking or and standby light flashing on bottom of toshiba smart tv power button keeps displaying red light or toshiba tv blinking red light 3 times is due to power supply issues and toshiba tv flashes red light indicating there is a power supply problem on toshiba smart tv.
Toshiba Smart tv Not Turning on No Red Light Blinking
Below toshiba smart tv troubleshooting methods will help you fix the issue of toshiba smart tv not turning on blank screen or black screen with flashing red light blinking.
Power Reset
Step 1: Turn on your toshiba smart tv and unplug toshiba smart tv power cable from wall socket
Step 2: wait for 30 seconds and after 30 seconds plug back toshiba smart tv power cable back to wall socket.
Step 3: Now, turn on toshiba smart tv and wait for your toshiba smart tv to turn on.
That’s it, by performing power reset or soft reset on toshiba smart tv your issue of toshiba smart tv not turning on red light blinking issue will be resolved.
Remove Batteries and Press Power Button
Step 1: Grab your toshiba smart tv remote
Step 2: Now, remove both the batteries from your toshiba smart tv remote control
Step 3: Once you remove batteries -> Press and hold power button on your toshiba tv remote for 15 to 20 seconds
Step 4: After 20 seconds, release the power button on your remote and then insert both batteries into the Toshiba smart tv remote.
Step 5: Now, go ahead and turn on your toshiba smart tv and your toshiba smart tv will turn on.
Also Read:
1) How to Fix Toshiba Smart tv Apps not Working or Crashing
2) How to Screen Mirror on Toshiba Smart tv and Cast Mobile to Toshiba Smart TV
3) How to Fix Toshiba Smart TV Remote Not Working
4) How to Connect External Hard Drive to Toshiba Smart tv
5) How to fix Toshiba smart tv keeps freezing/crashing
Replace Batteries with New Batteries
Step 1: Remove both batteries from your toshiba smart tv
Step 2: Insert new batteries into your toshiba smart tv remote
Step 3: Now, go ahead and turn on your toshiba smart tv and your toshiba smart tv issue with red light blinking but not turning on will be resolved.
Sometimes there may be an issue with the remote as well and red light blinking may also be an indication that there is less power on your toshiba smart tv remote as well.
Why Toshiba Smart tv Not Turning on Red Light Blinking
If there is a power supply issue and not be to supply enough power and having power fluctuation issues then your will see red light blinking on toshiba smart tv and also if remote battery is draining or no power on toshiba smart tv remote then you can see this red light blinking as well. So, go ahead and replace it with new batteries and try turning on toshiba smart tv.