How to Fix Toshiba Smart tv Apps not Working or Crashing

On your toshiba smart tv if apps or not working and whenever you open apps on toshiba smart tv apps keeps crashing or apps get stuck on logo like Netflix, HBO max, amazon prime, YouTube or any other app and apps running slow on Toshiba smart tv then you can get rid of this issue easily by just following these simple methods. So, lets see in detail below.

You can experience this issue of Apps on toshiba smart tv not working or toshiba smart tv apps disappeared all of sudden and any other issue with apps on toshiba tv if you have any issue with incompatible software version of toshiba smart tv installed on your toshiba tv and apps are not compatible or it can be a temporary glitch as well. 

Fix Toshiba smart tv apps not working

Below methods will help you fix toshiba smart tv apps not working issue and get back your toshiba tv apps up and running easily.

Check your internet Connection

If none of the apps on toshiba smart tv are not opening then first you need to check with your internet connection and make sure that toshiba smart tv is connected to internet and then go ahead and you are not having any wifi internet issue or any network issues on your toshiba smart tv.

Soft Reset

Step 1: Turn on your Toshiba smart tv and pull the power plug from wall socket or toshiba tv power cable.

Step 2: Wait for 60 seconds and then after 60 seconds you need to plug back removed power cable to wall socket.

Step 3: Now, turn on your toshiba smart tv and wait for toshiba smart tv to reboot itself and restart your toshiba tv completely.

Once you power reset your toshiba smart tv then any technical glitch which leads to toshiba smart tv apps not working issue will be resolved successfully.

Update App

If apps are not opening or not working on toshiba smart tv you need to make sure that you have installed the latest version of the app on toshiba smart tv and update it to latest version.

Step 1; Go to apps section

Step 2: locate the app in toshiba smart tv app store and click on it.

Step 3: If an app update is available then go ahead and click on update and wait for the app to update on toshiba smart tv.

Once the app gets updated then your issue of apps not working on toshiba smart tv issue will be resolved successfully.

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Update toshiba smart tv to Latest Version

If you are running outdated version of toshiab smart tv software version then apps may not work properly with old toshiba smart tv software version.

Step 1: Press home button on toshiba smart tv remote

Step 2: Go to Settings -> Software update

Step 3: Now, check for software update and if new verison of toshiba smart tv firmware update is available then you need to go ahead and install it on your toshiba smart tv.

Once you install toshiba smart tv latest firmware update then your issue of toshiab tv apps nto working or toshiba smart tv not working or not turning or any other issue with firmware update related issue will be fixed.

Clear Cache and Clear Data of App

You need to clear cache and clear data of app which you are having issue with.

Step 1: Press home button on remote

Step 2: Go to the settings -> Managed Apps section

Step 3: Select the apps which you are having issue with and click on it.

Step 4: Select clear cache and press ok and confirm clear cache of app on toshiba smart tv.

Step 5: Now, select clear all data and confirm clear all data on toshiab smart tv.

Now, go ahead and restart your toshiba smart tv or just go ahead and open app which you are having issue with and your issue of apps not working on toshiba smar tv will be fixed successfully.

Delete and Reinstall app

You need to delete and reinstall app on toshiba smart tv if app not working on your toshiba smart tv or toshiba fire tv.

Step 1: Press the home button on the Toshiba smart TV remote.

Step 2: Now, Go to Apps section

Step 3: Select the app which is not opening on toshiba smart tv and click on uninstall or delete app from toshiba smart tv.

Reinstall app

Step 1: Now, go to Google Play store and search for the app which you have uninstalled

Step 2: Click on the app and then click on install and wait for your toshiba smart tv to reinstall app on your toshiba tv.

Once you reinstall the app on your toshiba smart tv then you need to login again and your issue of apps not working issue will be resolved.

Why Toshiba Smart tv Apps Not Working

If you are running outdated toshiba smart tv firmware update and running outdated version of app and if there is an issue of cache and all data then you can experience the issue of toshiba smart tv apps not working.

Vangari Divya
Vangari Divya
Divya is Content Writer and Author and also Reviews Technology Related Articles and Editorial Expert Team Member at A Savvy Web for more than 5 years. She has a Degree in Bachelor of Technology (Btech) and Master of Technology (Mtech) From Kakatiya University. She has an Expertise in Providing Troubleshooting tips and fixes (solutions) and how to articles and helps to solve issues on Technology Related subjects like iPhone, Android, iOS, Windows, All Smart tv’s and other tech related information.

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