If your toshiba fire tv remote is not working or toshiba tv remote not working except power button or only home button working on toshiba fire tv remote is not working completely with new batteries then you can easily fix toshiba fire tv remote issue easily. So, lets see in detail below.

Toshiba fire tv sometimes have issues with buttons not working on remote or all buttons or few buttons are not responding properly on toshiba fire tv remote or button get stuck or any other issue with toshiba tv remote.
Toshiba tv Remote Not Working Except Power button or Home Button
Below solutions will help you fix toshiba fire tv remote not working issues and get back your toshiba fire tv remote working normally.
Power Cycle Toshiba Fire tv
Step 1: Unplug power cable of toshiba fire tv and wait for 60 seconds
Step 2: Plug power cable back after 60 seconds and turn on toshiba fire tv.
After power cycling or power reset toshiba fire tv, check with toshiba fire tv remote and press power button and toshiba fire tv remote will work normally.
Power Reset Toshiba Fire tv Remote
Step 1: Grab your toshiba fire tv remote and remove batteries frm back of your toshiba fire tv remote – remove both batteries from remote.
Step 2: Press and hold power button for 1 minutes and release power button after 1 minutes
Step 3: Now, Press All Buttons on the fire tv remote for a couple of times, so that if anything gets stuck gets away or if malfunctioning with remote buttons can fix by pressing in and out (pressing buttons on remote).
Step 4: Now, go ahead and insert both batteries in to toshiba fire tv remote properly and look for plus and – minus signs when inserting batteries and insert them properly.
Now, go ahead and check with the toshiba fire tv remote and your toshiba fire tv remote will be working fine and your issue of toshiba fire tv remote not working or few buttons like power button or home button not working will be resolved.
Press and Hold Power Buttons for 60 seconds and Press All buttons
Step 1: Don’t remove batteries from your toshiba fire tv remote
Step 2: Press and hold power button on toshiba fire tv remote and release power button after 60 seconds.
Step 3: Now, Press all buttons including power button in and out and press each button on toshiba fire tv, power button, home button, middle button, up and down and all other buttons on toshiba fire tv for couple of times.
Now, after doing these above method for couple of times, then go ahead and check with toshina fire tv remote and it should be working fine.
Reset Toshiba Fire tv Remote
Press and hold the left arrow button, Back button and Menu Button at the same time for 10 to 20 seconds and release all buttons and now go ahead and check toshiba fire tv remote and it will work.
Pair Toshiba fire tv Remote Again
Point your toshiba fire tv remote to your toshiba fire tv and press and hold power button for 10 seconds and your toshiba fire tv will pair your toshiba fire tv remote with your toshiba fire tv and you can start using your toshiba fire tv remote with your toshiba fire tv without any issue.
Change Batteries
Most of the time, toshiba fire tv remote batteries can drain fast sometimes – depends on the usage of your remote and you need to get a new pair of toshiba fire tv batteries and replace it with new batteries on toshiba fire tv and your issue of toshiba fire tv remote buttons or remote not working will be fixed.
Get a New Toshiba Fire tv Remote
You need to get a new remote if replacing batteries ad resetting toshiba fire tv remote and power cycling remote doesn’t work the you need to get a buy a new Toshiab fire tv remote and fix this issue of toshiba fire tv stick remote not working issue.
Why Toshiba Fire tv Remote Not Working All of Sudden
This can be due to remote batteries get drained out and you need to replace new battery and check and can also be with dust or debris stuck inside remote then only few buttons get to work like power button or home button or remote issue and you need to get a new remote.