Add Digital Clock Widget on Desktop on Windows 11

On your windows 11 or 10 computer if you want to display a digital clock on your windows desktop screen then you can display and show digital clock using the clock widget on windows 11 computer.

You need to go to the Microsoft store and download and install the widget launcher app and then customize your digital clock and change color and other clock settings and click on launch widget and this will display the widget clock on the windows 11 desktop.

Can I Display Digital Clock on Windows 11 Desktop?

Yes! You can download and install a widget launcher app on your windows computer and display a digital clock on windows 11 desktop.

Add Clock Widget on Desktop on Windows 11

Step 1: Open Microsoft store on windows 11 computer by clicking on microsoft store icon on taskbar or you can search for microsoft store and open microsoft store

Step 2: On Microsoft store search bar -> Search for clock widget app and press enter

Step 3: Click on Widget launcher app

Step 4: Click on Get button underneath widget launcher and wait for it to download and install.

Step 5: Once you install a clock widget you will see the Open option instead of Get button here and simply click on Open.

Step 6: Select the digital clock from the widget launcher and customize widget clock and once done click on launch widget option and digital clock will be displayed on your desktop.

That’s it, this is how you display a digital clock on the windows 11 desktop using the widget launcher app from the microsoft store. 

Adjust Clock Widget Size on Windows 11 Desktop

Once you set the clock widget on your windows 11 computer then if you want to decrease or increase the clock widget (digital, analog, transparent clock) then you need to simply select the digital clock and then resize it.

Analog or Transparent Desktop Clock Windows 11

You can display digital or analog, transparent clock widget on your windows from microsoft store and display any clock on windows 11 desktop.

Lakshmi Durga
Lakshmi Durga
Lakshmi Durga is Senior Content Writer and Author and Also a Senior Editorial Team Member at A Savvy Web for More than 5 Years and She writes about technology related subject troubleshooting guides and helps users to solve issues. She has a Degree of Bachelor of Technology (Btech) from Kakatiya University and (Master of Technology) Mtech at Kakatiya University and JNTU university and is a real time Technology expert. She is a Real time Tech Expert and enthusiastic and has an Expertize in this technology area and writes specially on troubleshooting guides, solutions and tips and fixes and how to articles on Tech Related subjects like iPhone, Android, iOS, Smart tv and other tech related information.

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