How to Fix Apple Watch Time not Updating in Always ON Mode

On your Apple watch if you are facing an issue with Apple watch time not updating when Always ON mode  or wrist is down or not updating due to new time zone or apple watch taking too much time updating time then by following below methods you can simply fix this issue on your own. So, lets see them in detail below.

How to fix Apple Watch Time Not Updating Issue Always ON Mode

By using below troubleshooting guide you can easily fix this issue of apple watch time not updating with new time zone or after apple watch updated to latest version or wrist down or any other.

Force Restart

Step 1: Hold down the side button and digital crown button simultaneously until you see the apple logo.

Step 2: Once you see apple logo on your apple watch screen -> let go the keys and release them and wait for your apple watch to reboot or restart on its own.

That’s it, once your apple watch restarts then your issue with apple watch not updating in always on mode will be fixed successfully.

Also Read: 1) What is Red Dot on Apple Watch

2) How to fix Apple Watch White Vertical Lines on Screen on Watch OS 7.5/8

3) Apple Watch Stuck on Temperature Warning Screen on Watch OS 7.5 / 8

4) How to Fix Airpods Not Connecting to Apple Watch

5) How to fix Apple Watch OS Update Stuck on Preparing in watch OS 7.5

Change the Watch Face

You need to try changing your apple watch face to different watch faces and there may be issue with the watch face itself. 

Use Digital Watch Face

You need to use digital watch face and don’t use analog watch face with hands, use digital watch face and then check apple watch time not updating issues is still occurring or not.

Disable Always ON Mode

You need to disable always on mode inorder to get your apple watch time updated and to disable always on mode follow below methods

Step 1: On your apple watch -> Tap on Digital crown button

Step 2: Tap on Settings icon.

Step 3: Now, tap on Display and Brightness

Step 4: In here, you need to tap on Always on and disable or turn off always on mode on apple watch.

Update your Apple Watch to Latest Version

If you experience this apple watch not updating issue by following above solutions then you need to update your apple watch to latest version on iOS and there may be an issue with apple software itself like bugs.

Shruti is BSC Computer Graduate and Author and Editor at A Savvy Web and She has an expertize and provides solutions and troubleshooting tips and solutions for iPhone, iPad, MacBook and Windows Computers, Android, Smart tv Expert and She is More Enthusiastic in this area of expertise and a Real time expert.

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