If your Samsung Smart tv remote is not working and having issues when you press power button it doesn’t respond you can try these below methods to fix Samsung smart tv remote and get up and running and you need to reset Samsung Smart tv remote. Lets see in detail below.
Reset Samsung Smart tv Remote:
Step 1: Grab Samsung smart tv remote control.
Step 2: Remove batteries from Samsung smart tv remote.
Step 3: Press and hold power button for 10 seconds
Step 4: Release the power button after 10 seconds and insert batteries back in to you Samsung smart tv remote control.
Step 5: Turn on your Samsung smart tv and point your remote straight to the Samsung smart tv and use remote button.
That’s it, this is how you reset Samsung smart tv. This method of power reset works for all model of Samsung smart tv.
Why to reset Samsung smart tv Remote?
If your remote doesn’t respond all of sudden or only power button or source button are having issues when you press and doesn’t respond, then you need to reset Samsung Smart tv remote working and other Samsung remote troubleshooting options after resetting Samsung tv remote.
Reset Samsung Smart tv remote before buying new remote
Lot of people and most of the Samsung smart tv users will be in an impression if remote buttons doesn’t work then you need to buy a new remote control device for your Samsung smart tv. First you need to try to reset Samsung Smart tv remote and if this reset Samsung Smart tv remote doesn’t work then you need to try to buy a new Samsung smart tv remote control device and most of the time this power reset Samsung smart tv remote option will work and there are several other ways to fix Samsung remote before resetting Samsung Smart tv remote as well like cleaning your remote properly and changing batteries etc.
Samsung smart tv remote not working red light blinking?
If you are seeing red blinking light then this means that there is an issue with pairing remote to Samsung smart tv. You need to pair your Samsung smart tv remote to Samsung smart tv and once your remote gets paired, you will not see this issue of red blinking light on remote.
Remove batteries -> Press and hold power button for 10 seconds and release power button after 10 seconds and then insert batteries back. That’s it this is how you reset Samsung Smart tv remote.
Yes! You can reset your samsung smart tv remote back to its original default settings.