How to Fix iMessage Sent as Text Message on iPhone iOS 15, 16 on iPhone 13 Pro Max, 12, 11, x, xr

On your iPhone if you are sending iMessages and it has been sent as text messages on your iPhone iOS 15, 16 or any iPhone 13, 13pro max or iPhone 12, 11, x , XR or any iPhone then you can fix this issue easily and make sure that you are connected to wifi and cellular with good internet connection. So, let’s see in detail below.

Many users experienced this issue of iMessage sent as text message on iPhone after updating their iPhone ot latest version and iMessages will send as text messages if there eis a data connectivity issue with wifi or cellular or it can be also be sender and make suer that you have activated iMessages or if other person have blocked you.

How to Fix iMessage Sent as Text Message on iPhone iOS 15, 16

Below iPhone troubleshooting methods will help you fix iMessages sent as text message on your iPhone iOS 15, 16 on any iphone.

Turn on iMessages

Step 1: Launch settings app on iPhone

Step 2: Scroll down to Messages

Step 3: Turn on iMessages by toogleing the button next to iMessage.

If your imessages is already turned on then you need to turn off and wait for few seconds and turn on iMessages on your iPhone.

Once you turn off and turn on iMessage then your issue of iMessages sent as text message on iPhone iOS 15, 16 issue will be resolved.

Disable Send as SMS

Step 1: Open settings -> Tap on Messages

Step 2: Scroll down and tap on Send as SMS and turn off send as SMS.

If you have turned on this option, then when you send iMessage from your iPhone then if you are having issue with poor internet connection then iPhone will send iMessage as text message.

Also Read:

1) How to Fix iMessage Activation Error on iPhone

2) How to Fix iMessage and Facetime Stuck on Verifying Phone Number on iPhone and iPad in iOS 14.2

3) How to Fix Voice Message on iMessage Not Working on iPhone iOS 15 2021

4) How to fix iMessage link preview not working on iPhone 2022, 2021, 2020

5) iMessage waiting for activation/activation unsuccessful – error occurred during activation

R estart your iPhone

Step 1: Launch settings app -> Tap on General

Step 2: Scroll down to bottom and tap on shutdown and wait for your iPhone to shutdown.

Step 3: Now, wait for few minutes and then turn on your iPhone.

Once you restart your iPhone, then your issue of iMessages sending text as sms will be fixed successfully.

 Reset All Settings

If you are still experiencing the issue of iMessages sending text as sms instead of iMessage then reset all settings and restore all iPhone settings to its default original settings and then check with iMessages sending sms and your issue of iMessage sending sms text will be resolved.

To reset all settings -> Go to settings -> general -> Transfer or rest iPhone -> Select Reset all settings and confirm reset all settings in pop up box. 

Once you reset all settings then any issue on your iPhone will get resolved as it restores all its settings to default iPhone settings.

This can due to the poor internet connection and iMessages has be sent as normal text message and if the other person is not on iPhone then it will send as normal text messages

Why iMessage Sent as Text Message on iPhone iOS 15, 16

This can be due to poor internet connection or it can be an issue with sender and receiver end and he has blocked you or sometimes this can be technical issue which can be fixed by just restarting your iPhone.

iMessage sent as text message am i blocked 2022

Yes! This could be the reason and suddenly iMessages sent message are appearing in green then this can be a possible reason that another person has blocked you or it can also be due to the persons is not on iPhone (apple device) any more.


When iMessage turns to text Message

If the other person that you are sending message is not on iPhone or any apple devices then your iMessage turns to text messages and also it can also happen due to poor internet connection and iMessage text turns to normal text message as well.

Does iMessage turn green when blocked 2021, 2022?

No! Blue or green doesn’t indicate that the person is blocked or something and this is just an indicator that the imessage is sent as normal sms text but it is a sign of blocking as well.

What does sent as text message mean in green

This means that iMessage delivered normal message instead of iMessage and sent a sms message normal one and this can happen due to poor connection and iPhone sent it as normal message.

Shruti is BSC Computer Graduate and Author and Editor at A Savvy Web and She has an expertize and provides solutions and troubleshooting tips and solutions for iPhone, iPad, MacBook and Windows Computers, Android, Smart tv Expert and She is More Enthusiastic in this area of expertise and a Real time expert.

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