Why Fetch as Google Redirected in Search Console for URL:
Webmaster are bit of worried when then fetch a URL in search console and it says status as redirected to and there it’s a bit difficult for a newbie webmaster to understand what’s going on in search console and why fetch as Google shows as redirected and this happens for few reasons and mainly these mistakes are done by many newbie webmasters only coz SEO and playing with search console and errors solving comes with experience. There is nothing to worry when you see the status when you fetch a URL and it says redirected and some times it says fetch as google is unreachable aswell and everything seems to be normal on website, coz when you fetch a URL in a different property it happens and says its redirected to the other property which you have set in search console that’s it.
Fetch as Google Redirects From Http to HttpS:
The main reason this happens is when a webmasters migrates a website from http to HttpS then webmasters tries to fetch a http URL in http property it redirects to httpS coz in migration to https every domain version will be redirected to https only so http will be redirected to https only and here are the best practices from migrating or implementing https.
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Solution When Fetch as Google Redirected in Search Console:
Add a new property in Search console with HttpS version and add your website and submit your website https versions sitemaps because everything will be redirected through server level with 301 redirects to https only. If you crawl a URL in http it says redirected when you do a fetch and google and fetch and render.
Steps to Consider if Fetch as Google Redirected in Search Console:
1. URL changes from http to https.
2. Create a new property in search console with https version of your website
3. Create sitemap for https version
4. If you redirect do a 301 redirect from http to httpS version and dont do 302 redirects as 302 is temporary redirect and 301 is permanent redirect.