December 2020 core algorithm Update Google

Google announced google is releasing a core algorithm updates on December 3 2020 and released advanced notice and advice and this is algorithm is called core algorithm update which is announced on twitter handle Google Searchliasion and this algorithm will affect several websites in a positive way or in a negative way and if you are not following google search guidelines or if you are hit by any broad core algorithm update previously may see a reversal increasing traffic for previously affected websites.

How to know if you are hit by December Core Algorithm update:

Google releases core algorithm update to make search better and If you hit by December 2020 core algorithm update you will see a sharp decline of your website traffic entirely, hinting that you have hit by December 2020 algorithm update and you will see a drop in list of keywords you are ranking for on google.

December 2020 core algorithm update
December 2020 core algorithm update

How much Traffic drop expected with December 2020 algorithm update?

If you are hit with google December 2020 algorithm update then you can see a huge difference in traffic drop up to 90 percent as well, google core algorithm can slash websites hard if search quality rated guidelines are not followed.

How to be safe with google core algorithm updates?

If you want to be safe whenever google core algorithm updates are released then you need to follow proper guidelines provided by google and follow search rated guidelines. Though, google says that if you are hit with December 2020 core algorithm then there is nothing wrong with the website but there are several factors which you can check and improve trust, quality, content and get rid of bad backlinks, speed improvement and several other official guide by google and what webmasters should know about google core algorithm updates.

Website is Good But lost traffic with December Core 2020 Algorithm update?

If your website is good and you are providing useful content for users and you haven’t violated any webmaster guidelines and your site speed is good, then google clarifies that if your website traffic is declined or hit with December 2020 core algorithm then some pages that were previously under-rewarded are deserved to do better in search which helps users.

Recover from Google 2020 core algorithm update?

Make your website better and more useful to users by following google guidelines and access your content and focus on your content.

Ramana Tula is a - Technical Content Writer and he is a Full stack Web and Android Developer also - SEO Manager and also manages Digital Marketing.

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