Early news By Google Core Algorithm Update May 2020:
Google on (May 4th 2020) official twitter handle (Google @searchliaison) announced that google is rolling its core algorithm update and google Algorithm update has completely rolled out on 18th of May 2020 and google guidelines to their search quality remains the same with regards to content rated guidelines. search quality evaluator general guidelines are updated last year on December 2019 with updated content related and EAT guidelines about authority which google rolled on January 2020 google core algorithm update.
When did Google Algorithm Completely Rolled Out?
Google Algorithm completely rolled out on 18th May 2020 on all data centers of google and the website affected with may 2020 google update are waiting for next google update for reversal of may 2020 core google update.
Everything About May 2020 Google Core Algorithm Update:
Google updates its algorithms to improve search results better on Google SERP results and that is how google search works, recently there are many changes in google search algorithms, this is with regards to knowledge panel changes, featured snippet changes, images, related search, sidebar tabs which are used to show previous on desktop now shows in mobile as well. It looks like google is bringing mobile view to desktop view. Simple to say there are lot of changes with knowledge panel.
Does your Website Affected with Google Algorithm Update?
If your website is seeing gains then that means what ever you are doing on your website is right way and if your website is seeing drop in traffic or affected, then you need to debug your website for website no-follow links change and follow the guidelines and documentation , site architecture and improve user experience and take users feedback on your website will help gaining rank or visibility of your website again in search results.
May 2020 Google Core Algorithm Update: AMP and Non-AMP Changes:
In May 2020 Google Algorithm update google made change to AMP and Non-AMP as well, now google search results with AMP stories will appear in Top Story searches that are covered related with news
May 2020 Google Core Algorithm Update: 3 Column Layout in Google Search:
In Google May 2020 it is also seen they have previously made changes to their core algorithm update already and testing 3 column layout – on google search with some of the queries but not all search queries only query dependent with shady background. These changes in queries are not seen globally but google already made changes with regards to this 3 column layout and this may include in may 2020 google core algorithm update if not, it will be included in future update, later for sure.
With Specific Queries like shown in above image, for which 3 column Layout is shown are movies star queries, name queries which is totally depends on Knowledge panel, deep brain machine learning and artificial intelligence.
May 2020 Google Core Algorithm Update: Local news
Previously Google local news used to cover all top search results now you may see less stories covered by news publisher, now few changes made with may 2020 google core algorithm updates include amp and non-amp as well, so you may expect little bit of local news covering website version on desktop results.
May 2020 Google Core Algorithm Update: Changes with FAQ Structure Data Mark-up.
Google Introduced FAQ SD Mark-up and released guidelines to implement FAQ on your website and also released do’s and don’ts as well. Implementing FAQ mark-up on your website is very useful for users and google is picking everything which is provided in FAQ and there are lot o website using this mark-up and getting into first page of Google SERP. It is seen in Google SERP that lot of website are not using it correctly and it is known to Google.
Google provided FAQ Structure Data Guidelines and also suggested not to implement FAQ mark-up for Marketing and Shopping kind of things but it was seen few of website owners are flooded by FAQ mark-up – which is considered as spam and google very well know about this and listing all faq on their website. May be with this May 2020 Google core Algorithm update changes are there to ditch all these wrong implementation website and throw them back.
Note: If your website is seeing drop in Organic search results and got hit by May 2020 Google Algorithm Update, then you need to check with your FAQ Mark-up Structure Data for sure and read the guidelines and re-implement it correctly. Google already know about this and may be they updated in previous algorithm which they roll out daily but not sure whether they added it to their core algorithm update.
May 2020 Google Core Algorithm Update: Knowledge Panel
There is a lot of buzz all around with top SEO experts discussing regarding the wrong information showing on Google search results when a Name is search on Google and google picking up wrong person and displaying in Knowledge panel which is something related to deep brain – which is machine learning and Artificial intelligence algorithms by Google and google uses machine learning as well to display results when user searches a query.
May 2020 Google Core Algorithm Update: YouTube Videos on Feature Snippets:
If you google for how to queries on desktop if a branded video or more YouTube videos views / likes video is existed on YouTube that will cover featured snippet on desktop results for user query, As visual experience gives more useful information for users, it is also noted previously YouTube results are already shown in featured snippet along with the YouTube video URL and YouTube thumb image pointing to YouTube video.
YouTube Videos on Feature Snippets with time frame:
Time frames videos with keyframe links included to youtube video are seen in google featured snippet and this completely depends on structure date of youtube which is an entry point.
May 2020 Google Core Algorithm Update: Question Hub
Google is also making changes with question hub as well with Question hub google is inviting users to publish their content on question hub and sending emails as well as reported by users using search console and already publishers who are using question hub are seeing increase in their website traffic as well, where google question hub makes publisher to make their content beet and improves google search and interesting thing is google optimizes and organizes information to find the most relevant, useful results for each users query.
May 2020 Google Core Algorithm Update: Winners and Losers:
When ever google rolls its algorithm update there are lot of website traffic drop drastically and lot of sites will gain traffic as well. Let’s see who are the winners are losers once may 2020 google core algorithm rolls out fully. Google core algorithms will be rolled for a week and once it rolled out confirmation will be given by google, that google algorithm update has rolled out completely. If you are hit with google, its strongly recommended to read this guidelines.
May 5th 2020 is the latest google algorithm update and it is named as May 2020 algorithm.
January 2020 google rolled first core algorithm update
Google changed plenty of things few of them include, logo and url on top of title, featured snippets, EAT authority, YMYL pages, Google SERP layout Changes and FAQ structure data mark-up and YouTube results in google search and many more.
Make your content better google will reward you and how to do that just refer to google search quality evaluator guidelines.
Compare your last 3 months data and use search console for keyword drops and use google analytics data for google organic search drop in traffic and start analyzing