What is EAT SEO
Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness is the main and important quality individual ranking factor of google algorithm mainly regards to Google broad core algorithm updates.
EAT Seo means use your research on the additional factors to inform rating and understand the true purpose of the page in finding website information and reputation and if you are looking for how to improve E-E-A-T seo then follow the below guides which will help you ret.
Recently with the google broad core update website which has less E-A-T score and page quality issues got affected and there are many big giant websites as well who lost traffic from this August, March and June broad core algorithm by google specially medical website, lawyer websites, rating websites and research topics websites where E-A-T seo comes to play with search quality guideline.
What Pages Receive Lowest Rating in EAT SEO
Websites or pages without some sort of beneficial purpose(without meeting the purpose of heading of the page), including pages that are created with no attempt to help users, or pages that potentially spread hate, cause harm, or misinform or deceive users should receive the lowest rating.
How to Improve EAT SEO (Expertise, Authoritativeness and Trustworthiness):
EAT seo is all about increasing site quality. EAT seo is the most important ranking factor of page quality guidelines, for all the pages that have beneficial purpose the amount of expertise authoritativeness and trustworthy (EAT) is necessary, below are few things to consider improving your EAT SEO score or ratings.
1. The expertise of the main content.
2. The authoritativeness of the creator of the MC (Main Content), the MC itself and the website.
3. The trustworthiness of the creator of the Main Content, the main content itself and the website.
If you want to improve your E-A-T Scores you need to increase the search quality pages of your website by increasing the ratings of expertise, authority and trustworthiness of your webpage and website specially if you run YMYL pages (Your money your life).
Related Google Algorithm Update Articles
1. 2019 June Google Core Algorithm Update
2. Google Algorithm Updates in May 2019 and Indexing Issues
To improve EAT Ratings of your website
1. Improve your website About Page.
2. Improve your website author or editor expertise by adding authors and bio.
3. Improve your personal Branding by press coverage, reviews etc
4. Improve your content and cut down low eat pages and improve eat ratings.
5. Get rid of non-authoritative content and add expertise content on your website.
6. Focus on high quality backlinks.
What Are Different Types of Expertise, Authoritativeness and Trustworthiness Pages – EAT
There are high E-A-T pages and as well as medium and low eat pages and websites as well of all types. Even gossip websites, fashion websites, humour websites, forum and Q and A Pages etc. In fact some types of information are found almost exclusively on forums and discussions, where a community of experts can provide valuable perspectives on specific topics.