Google Algorithm Updates in May 2019 and Indexing Issues

Only possible google algorithm updates in May 2019. There are no official google algorithm updates announced this may 2019 but google daily rolls out about 200 algorithms built upon google ranking systems with the amount of information data accessible on the web.

Google ranking systems are made up of not one, but the whole series of algorithms to give users most useful information what users are searching based up on their query and how search engine works.

Google tiny tweak are shaken up a bit and both chatter and tracking tools are shaken up in May 2019, there is no official google algorithm updates in May 2019 this month but google struggling fixing indexing issues from the start of may month.

Google Indexing Issues in May 2019

May 22nd 2019 Google indexing issues with stale Search Results

google indexing issue stale search results
google indexing issue stale search results

Covered by Barry Schwartz in website

Google Indexing Issue in Brief: May 22nd 2019:

Google is struggling indexing new published posts and continued not to index new fresh posts published by lot of publishers like which is seen specially in news publication websites as the update new content with significant shifts in ranking.

SEMrush sensors started showing a high activity and graphs picked up at 9.2/10 with all categories of websites seems to be a possible google algorithm updates in May 2019 but graphs picked up due to google indexing issue – stale search and google declared officially regarding this ranking shifts in SERP.

Also Read:

1) December 2020 core algorithm Update Google

2) May 2020 Google Core Algorithm Update: Changes in Ranking

3) January 2020 Google Core Algorithm Update: New Look & Big Impact on Websites Rankings

4) Google Core Algorithm Update March 2019: 12th March

5) Google Penguin Update Its Now Part Of Google Core Algorithm

Issue Fixed on May 22nd after couple of hours

Google New Indexing Issue on May 24th:

Subsequently the stale search results indexing issue got fixed, again google had indexing issues again this time we don’t know what kind of indexing issue it is. Google officially declared that we are facing indexing issue and we are working on it and gives a clarification that this is not related to previous indexing issue which is on May 22nd issue of stale search results.

We’re looking into a new indexing issue that started escalating 6 hours ago. The issue is unrelated to yesterday’s outage and we’re working hard to resolve it. We’ll update this thread when we can provide more information.

— Google Webmasters (@googlewmc) May 24, 2019

This time google took 3 days around to fix this indexing issue.

Ramana Tula is a - Technical Content Writer and he is a Full stack Web and Android Developer also - SEO Manager and also manages Digital Marketing.

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