In windows 10 if you are trying to update windows 10 and if you are seeing this message Turn off Memory Integrity Protection to Continue to Update Windows 10 and you need to disable core isolation memory integration settings here, since Microsoft blocks few features need to turn off or toggle off few settings to get your windows 10 updated, so lets see in detail how to get red of turn off memory integrity protection below;
How to Turn off Memory Integrity Protection to Continue to Update Windows 10:
Step 1: Click on start menu and select the settings icon (gear icon) and open window settings.
Step 2: Click on Update and security.
Step 3: Now on the left side pane, select windows security.
Step 4: Now on the right side->Select and click on open windows security option.
Step 5: Now, on the left side->Select Device security option.
Note: If you are coming across this issue that says core isolation here yow will have an option to toggle off memory integrity prevents attacks from inserting malicious code into hight security process.
Step 6: In core isolation settings security feature under click on core isolation details.
Step 7: Now, in Memory integrity ->Toggle off.
That’s it, Once you toggle of memory integrity in windows device manager security, go ahead and update your windows 10 computer. Now you will not see any message of Turn off Memory Integrity Protection to Continue to Update Windows 10.
Once your windows 10 gets updated successfully, then go ahead and toggle on or turn on memory integrity protection option in windows 10 security feature.
In windows 10 defender security settings if memory integrity is turned on then you cannot update your windows 10 computer due to heavy security features like core isolation and memory integrity are enabled. In order to update you need to turn off or disable memory integrity.
Settings->windows security and Update->Open Windows security settings->Device security and turn off core isolation memory integrity option (toggle off).