When you turn on your rca roku tv it turns on and after some times when you are watching movies or streaming online content on rca roku tv and your tv turning on and off by itself without your interaction with RCA remote itself and it keeps on turning on and off and sometimes you can see black screen issues on rca roku tv. Turning on and off is a common and most users face this point at some point and there are several different methods to fix this rca tv turning off and on. So, lets see them in details below.
RCA Roku tv Won’t Turn ON and OFF
You can follow these simple troubleshooting methods of rca roku tv to fix on and off issue.
Power Reset your RCA Roku tv
Step 1: Go ahead and unplug power cable of your rca roku tv from wall socket.
Step 2: Wait for 60 seconds
Step 3: After 60 seconds -> Go ahead plug back power cable into wall socket and turn on your rca Roku tv.
That’s it, once your rca roku tv turns on you will not be facing any issue of rca Roku tv turning on and off.
Also Read: 1) How to Fix RCA Roku tv Remote Not Working
2) RCA ROKU TV not Connecting to Wifi
4) How to Update System Software on RCA Roku tv?
5) How to Reset network settings on ONN Roku tv
Factory Reset RCA Roku TV
Step 1: Go ahead and locate the reset button on your rca Roku tv.
Step 2: Use a pin and press and hold reset button for 15 seconds.
Step 3: Don’t let go until you see rca tv restart. Once rca tv restarts -> let go off the reset button and wait for your rca roku tv to turn on completely and complete resetting rca roku tv.
That’s, it by preforming reset by using button on back without using remote, it will reset your rca Roku tv settings to its default and it will fix almost all issues.