When you are watching amazon prime video on sony smart tv and amazon prime video keeps buffering or loading symbol on amazon prime video then this is an issue with wifi internet connection or slow or poor wifi connection and it can also be an issue of bulky cache of amazon prime video and you can fix amazon prime video slow buffering or video buffering issue on sony tv easily by resetting router or modem and clear cache of amazon prime video and by following these solutions.

Amazon Prime Video Buffering on Sony Tv
Below solutions will help you fix amazon prime video buffering on sony tv

Restart Sony tv or Power Cycle Sony tv
Most of the time when performing power cycle or soft reset method will fix amazon prime video buffering or loading issue on amazon prime video on sony tv.
Step 1: Unplug power cable of sony tv from wall socket
Step 2: Wait for 60 seconds and then plug the power cable back to the wall socket and turn on sony bravia smart tv.
Step 3: Wait for sony tv to turn on and then open amazon prime video and your video buffering issue will be resolved.
Check wifi internet Connection
If you are having trouble connecting to wifi internet on sony tv or wifi is slow or you are having poor wifi connection then you need to reset router or modem and fix wifi connectivity issue.
If wifi internet connection is slow then its pretty common to see video keeps buffering on sony tv.
Reset Router or Modem
Step 1: Unplug router cable from wall socket and disconnect all router cables connected to sony tv and router.
Step 2: Wait for 60 seconds and then plug back all disconnected cables and then turn on the router and wait for lights to blink properly and connect sony tv to wifi internet.
Once you reset router or modem then any wifi connectivity issue on sony tv will be resolved and when you browse amazon prime video on sony tv video buffering or slow buffering issue will be fixed.
Update Sony Smart tv to Latest Firmware Update
If new sony smart tv firmware or software version is available then due to compatibility issue you can experience the issue of slow buffering or video buffering issue on amazon prime video and after updating sony tv to latest firmware or software version your issue of amazon prime buffering when playing will be resolved.
Clear Cache of Amazon Prime Video on Sony tv
Step 1: Grab sony tv remote and press menu button and Go to settings on top right corner.
Step 2: Now, Press down arrow and go to Apps and select Amazon prime video and select clear cache and press ok on remote.
Step 3: Select Clear Data and clear amazon prime video app.
Once you clear cache and clear data of amazon prime video app your issue of video buffering on amazon prime video or amazon prime video is responding slow or any other issue with amazon prime stuck on logo or other issue will be fixed successfully.
Update Amazon Prime Video to Latest Version
If there is any new version of amazon prime video available on sony smart tv then go to google play store and -> Search for Amazon prime video and update amazon prime video to latest version.
Uninstall and Reinstall Prime Video App
Open google play store app and search for amazon prime video and uninstall it and wait for a few seconds and install amazon prime video app and login with your amazon prime login details and check.
How do I get Amazon Prime to stop buffering on my TV?
Restart sony smart tv and reset amazon prime video app and clear cache and clear all data of amazon prime video app and reinstall amazon prime video app and update it to the latest version.
Why does Amazon Prime Video on Sony TV keep buffering while streaming?
Due to slow wifi internet connection or bulky or too much cache stored on your sony tv or it can be software glitch like software update issue.