How to Fix LG Smart tv Not Showing Wi-Fi Network

Whenever you want to stream some content on Netflix, Hulu, HBO Max, Discovery Plus and install other apps on lg tv and Uninstall or delete or install third party apps using apk file as well, if your tv is not connecting to WiFi network, it seems like an issue occurred in tv due to both hardware and software failure and by updating lg tv it will fix related to software or hardware issue.

How to Fix LG Smart tv Not Showing Wi-Fi Network

It sometimes irritates you but is easily fixable. The main reason behind your Wi-Fi not connecting tv is a generic bug on tv which gets solved by just restarting your lg smart tv. This may cause errors on your tv. There will be a huge number of reasons behind the LG smart tv not connecting to WiFi. In this post we are going to provide some top solutions to the issue of LG not connecting to Wi-Fi.

Fix LG Smart tv Not Showing Wi-Fi Network

LG Smart tv Not Connecting to WIFI Networks

If lg smart tv unable to discover or wifi networks are not showing then follow below troubleshooting guide.

Change DNS Settings to Latest version

So, let’s follow the steps to update with latest version

Change Date and Time Settings 

Sometimes, internet get issue with date and time, it is strange but this also a reason for LG smart tv not connecting to Wi-Fi

  • For this go to settings followed by general option
  • Next, select date and time option
  • Now uncheck set automatically set box
  • Then manually set your local date and time

Also Read: 1)

2) How to Fix Apps on LG Smart TV not responding or not opening or not working

3) How to fix LG Smart TV Black Screen

4) How to Fix LG Smart TV Not Connecting to WI-FI

5) Fix LG Smart tv Red Light Blinking 2 Times

Perform Factory Reset

Step 1: On your tv go to home option and select settings option

Step 2: Next, choose general menu option

Step 3: Finally, select reset to initial settings option

Sometimes, few features make your tv opposite effect. In order to check whether the tv is culprits or not. For this follow the some steps 

  • Firstly, go to settings followed by all settings option
  • Next, click on general option, navigated to simplink/Quick start option and disable it.
  • After that turn off your tv and wait a few minutes, and again turn it on

Reboot your Router / Modem

Sometimes, routers may also develop connection related issues because of their long running periods. A simple power cycle method will help to resolve the issue. For this follow the steps.

  • Firstly, put your router plugged in 
  • Next search for its reset button
  • Then take a paperclip to hold down the reset button for at least 30 seconds
  • After that release that button
  • Finally, wait a few minutes to power back on your router.

That’s it by following above solutions your lg smart tv not connecting to wifi network will be fixed easily.

Why are none of my Wi-Fi networks not showing up? 

You may have turned off your wifi network or your router or modem is having issue and you need to reset router and modem and keep your router close to your lg smart tv if it is not picking up wifi networks on lg smart tv.

lg smart tv not showing wifi

Power reset lg smart tv and unplug power cable or router or modem and wait for 50 to 60 seconds and plug back router or modem cables and turn it on and wait till all lights blinks correctly and connect to wifi and it will start showing wifi connection on lg smart tv and then connect to wifi on lg smart tv.

Rajeshwari Chiluveru
Rajeshwari Chiluveru
Rajeshwari is Senior Content Writer, Author, and Also Senior Editorial Team Member at A Savvy Web and She has a Degree in Bachelor of Technology (Btech) and (Master of Technology) Mtech from JNTU and is a real time expert. She writes about technology guides and troubleshooting guides (tips and Solutions) and helps users to solve issues easily. She has expertise in this area for more than 5+ years of experience and enthusiastic to provide troubleshooting tips and fixes and how to articles on Tech Related subjects like iPhone, Android, iOS, Smart tv and other tech related solutions and easy methods to fix.

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