How to Fix Cannot Send Text Messages But Can Receive on iPhone

On your iPhone when you are trying to send text messages and message is not delivered or you cant send text message to someone but you can receive text message on your iPhone then you can fix this issue easily by following these simple and quick methods. So, let’s see in detail below.

How to Fix Cannot Send Text Messages But Can Receive on iPhone

You can experience this issue of cannot send text messages but can receive on iPhone if there are any network related issue or it can be due to iMessages settings set incorrectly or set it to only receive messages and you need to change these settings to receive and send iMessages on iPhone.

Cannot Send Text Messages But Can Receive on iPhone

Below iPhone troubleshooting methods will help you fix cant send text message to iPhone but you are able to receive text messages easily.

Change iMessages Settings to Send And Receive Messages

Step 1: Open settings.

Step 2: Tap on Messages

Step 3: Turn on send and receive messages

Force Close Apps From the Background

Step 1: Grab your iPhone and swipe from bottom to top slowly and release once you see background apps.

Step 2: Swipe to top to close all apps from background on iPhone.

Restart your iPhone

Step 1: Open settings app on iPhone.

Step 2: Tap on General -> Tap on Shutdown.

Step 3: Drag the slider to power off and wait for your iPhone to shutdown completely.

Step 4: Now, press and hold side power button until you see apple logo and release the side button and let your iPhone restart.

Sometimes, when you force restart then if there are any minor software or temporary software glitches that will be fixed and your issue of cant send text messages on iPhone but can receive issue will be fixed.

Turn on Cellular Data or Wifi

Swipe from top to bottom and bring up control center on your iPhone and turn on wifi and check and if you still cant send messages then turn on mobile data and check whether you are able to send messages or not.

Most of the time when you switch your network and turn on wifi from mobile or mobile to wifi your issue will be resolved.

Turn on iMessages and MMS Messages on iPhone

Step 1:  Launch settings app on iPhone -> Scroll down and tap on Messages

Step 2: Turn on iMessages.

Step 3: Scroll down and turn on MMS Messaging options as well and then try to send text messages on your iPhone.

Free Internal Memory Space

You need to free up space as well on your iPhone and delete all unwanted apps or unwanted photos or videos and other files and free up internal storage space on iPhone and check.

Reset Network Settings

Step 1: Launch settings app -> Scroll down and tap on General -> Tap on Transfer or Reset iPhone.

Step 2: Enter your iPhone passcode and tap on reset network settings and confirm in pop up box and wait for your iPhone to reset network settings on iphone.

Due to network settings you will experience the issue of cannot send text messages on iPhone with iOS 15 or 16 or any iOS.

Reset All Settings

You need to reset all settings on your iPhone and Restore all iphone settings to its default original factory default settings and your issue of cant send text messages but can receive text messages issue will be fixed successfully.

Update your iPhone

If there are any temporary software bugs from Apple iOS, So, go ahead and update your iPhone iOS to latest version.

Why cant i send text messages on my iphone

If your iMessages or Message settings are set to receive only then you will experience this issue and turn on send and receive messages on iPhone and due to network related issues as well you will get this error cant send messages but you are able to receive messages on iphone.


Why is my iPhone not sending text messages to one person

Due to improper settings in iMessages and set to receive only in message settings or due to network related issues or any software issues on iOS.

Why are my text messages not sent But I can receive them?

Check whether your messages are set to default texting app and verify and message are set to send and receive.

Why is my iPhone not sending text messages to one person

Make sure that your are not running outdated iPhone iOS and update your iPhone to the latest version and also cross check that the other person you are sending is not blocked.

Shruti is BSC Computer Graduate and Author and Editor at A Savvy Web and She has an expertize and provides solutions and troubleshooting tips and solutions for iPhone, iPad, MacBook and Windows Computers, Android, Smart tv Expert and She is More Enthusiastic in this area of expertise and a Real time expert.

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