How to Turn on Airdrop on iPads and Send and Receive Files

In order to connect your iPad with other apple devices then you need to turn on airdrop on iPad and connect them to receive or share photos, music, files, documents etc, and even you can connect your iPad to apple tv using airdrop. But you need to make sure when receiving or sending files the receiver should be close enough and inrange to receive and send photos, videos files etc. So, let’s see in detail below.

How to Turn on Airdrop on iPads?

By following Below methods you can turn on airdrop on your ipad and send or receive files using airdrop and start using airdrop.

Step 1: Bring down control center by swiping down from top right hand side on iPad

Step 2: Turn on Wifi and Bluetooth on by tapping on wifi icon and bluetooth icon in control center of iPad.

Step 3: Now, Press on hold on the square where wifi, bluetooth, are present, when you press and hold on square it will expand with more option and it will pop up.

Step 4: Now, airdrop option will show -> tap on airdrop receiving off -> tap on airdrop to turn airdrop ON your iPad.

Step 5: From here you can select airdrop receiving from contacts only or everyone or you can turn off airdrop on iPad. 

If you tap on everyone or contacts only then your airdrop will be turned ON and airdrop will be enabled on iPad.

That’s it, this is how you enable airdrop or turn on airdrop on iPad and start sharing content or files, photos, videos on your iPad using airdrop.

Also Read: 1) How to Airdrop from Mac to iPhone | How to Airdrop a file from your Mac to iPhone?

2) iPhone 12 airdrop not working on iPhone 12 mini, iPhone 12 pro, 12 Pro Max

3) How to Turn on Airdrop on MacBook

4) How to use airdrop on iPhone

5) How to fix iPad Screen Frozen Can’t Swipe

How to Turn OFF Airdrop on iPad 

To turn off airdrop on ipad you need to bring down control panel by swiping from top to bottom and tap on airdrop option -> select it to receiving off. That’s it, this is how you turn off airdrop on iPad.

Can’t send files via airdrop or Receive files?

If you are having issue with cant send files via airdrop or receive files then make sure you have enabled Bluetooth and wifi and your airdrop is set to enable everyone and receive files and send files to everyone.

Rajeshwari Chiluveru
Rajeshwari Chiluveru
Rajeshwari is Senior Content Writer, Author, and Also Senior Editorial Team Member at A Savvy Web and She has a Degree in Bachelor of Technology (Btech) and (Master of Technology) Mtech from JNTU and is a real time expert. She writes about technology guides and troubleshooting guides (tips and Solutions) and helps users to solve issues easily. She has expertise in this area for more than 5+ years of experience and enthusiastic to provide troubleshooting tips and fixes and how to articles on Tech Related subjects like iPhone, Android, iOS, Smart tv and other tech related solutions and easy methods to fix.

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