If you want to get back previous google chrome download bar Progress when downloading files on google chrome, with the new version of google chrome browser you will see progressive bar in round shape when downloading files and if you want to get previous download bar then you need to tweak settings and disable download bubble and restore previous google chrome download bar.
Chrome has a new feature added when downloading files and you will see download bubbles you will see and to get back the download bar instead of bubble then you need to add —disable-features=DownloadBubble to chrome shortcut on your computer and it will display download bar on chrome.
Cant See Download Bubble Feature
If you cant see chrome download-bubble to disable it from chrome flags then this option is removed from new version of chrome browser flag settings.
Enable the Download Bar in Chrome
Below simple steps will help show download bar on chrome.
Step 1: Click on windows search icon and search for chrome browser
Step 2: Right click on chrome browser app and click on open file location
Step 3: Right click on Chrome Browser shortcut and click on Properties
Step 4: Click on Shortcut tab
Step 5: Click on Target field -> copy and paste at the end of the target field in chrome and give space after .exe –disable-features=DownloadBubble and click on Apply and ok.
That’s it, once you disable bubble feature on google chrome then bubbe feature will not show when downloading files on google chrome and you will see download bar when downloading.
Chrome Bubble Feature Not Showing When Downloading on Chrome?
If you are not seeing chrome bubble feature on chrome browser when downloading files, then downloading bubble feature is disabled on chrome.
Shortcut to Disable Chrome Downloading Bubble Feature?
Open chrome browser and then in chrome url bar enter -> chrome: // flags // #download-bubble feature and disable bubble feature.