Enable Parallel Downloading on Google Chrome

On your google chrome to download files fast and easily google chrome has parallel downloading option in chrome flag settings and you need to enable it if you want to download files parallelly if you are downloading large files and want to download files faster on google chrome browser.

Once you enable parallel download and download large files, then it will speed up downloads when enabling parallel download.

Is Chrome parallel downloading good?

Yes! Chrome parallel download is good if you download large files on chrome browser and it will speed up and make downloads faster when downloading large files – it will split into multiple parts and speed up downloading on chrome.

Parallel Downloading on Google Chrome

What is Parallel Downloading on Chrome Browser

Parallel downloading option is an experimental option on google chrome browser and once you enable parallel downloading option and download large files on google chrome browser then it will split downloading files separately and increase downloading speed on chrome browser faster and easily on chrome browser.

Enable Parallel Downloading on Google Chrome

Follow below steps to enable parallel downloading in chrome browser and download files parallelly and split download files on chrome browser.

Step 1: Open Chrome Browser and in url bar type chrome: flags and hit entre on keyboard

Step 2: Now, in search bar here -> Search for Parallel downloads

Step 3: Once you see parallel downloads -> Click on Drop down button and select parallel download to Enable and this will enable parallel download on google chrome browser.

After enabling parallel download on google chrome and download large files on chrome browser then it will split large files to multiple files and speed up download on google chrome download.

Shortcut to Enable Parallel Downloads on Google Chrome

Open chrome browser and enter this in chrome url browser -> chrome://flags/enable-parallel-downloading and hit enter and this will open experimental settings and search for parallel downloads and enable it.

Shruti is BSC Computer Graduate and Author and Editor at A Savvy Web and She has an expertize and provides solutions and troubleshooting tips and solutions for iPhone, iPad, MacBook and Windows Computers, Android, Smart tv Expert and She is More Enthusiastic in this area of expertise and a Real time expert.

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