When you are playing valorant game and while playing gameplay you are getting an error popup message “Valorant DX11 Feature Level 10.0 is Required To Run The Engine” it can be pubG or any other game then you can fix this error on your own easily by follow these simple methods. So, lets see in detail below
Valorant DX11 Feature Level 10.0 is Required To Run The Engine error occurs in feature level 10.0 or 11 and this error is due to DirectX Features 3D on the user windows 10 or 11 computer and you need to update your drivers and other solutions.
Fix Valorant DX11 Feature Level 10.0 is Required To Run The Engine
Below troubleshooting methods will fix valorant dx11 feature level 10.0 or 11.0 is required and make sure that your directx is supported 10.0 or 11.0 or not.
Check Directx is supported or Not
Step 1: Press windows + R key on your windows keyboard which will brigh up run command .
Step 2: Now in run command -> type dxdiag and hit enter.
Step 3: DirectX Diagnostic tool will be displayed on your screen.
Step 4: Check your DirectX version at the bottom of this screen and if it shows DirectX version here.
Step 5: To Check GPU version is supported or not -> Click on Display tab .
Step 6: On right side drivers section -> it will show you the details of drivers supported levels and make sure the directx level 10.0 or 11.0 or higher levels are supported here
Step 7: if you don’t see DirectX version 10.0 or 11.0 or higher version here then you need to download DirectX supported version on your windows computer to fix Valorant DX11 Feature Level 10.0 is Required To Run The Engine..
Install DirectX 10 or 11 supported Level on Windows Computer
Step 1: Open google browser (chrome or mozilla or edge) any browser of your choice
Step 2: In google search -> type DirectX end user runtime web installer and hit enter.
Step 3: Open Microsoft website to download DirectX end user runtime web installer.
Step 4: Select language and click on download button and wait for DirectX to download on your windows PC.
Step 5: Now go to downloads folder on your computer PC -> Run the setup file
Step 6: Install DirectX on your windows PC and follow onscreen instructions and accept terms and conditions.
One you install latest version of DirectX 10, 11 or higher version on your computer then go ahead and open valorant and you will not get any error message “Valorant DX11 Feature Level 10.0 is Required To Run The Engine” and valorant game will open without any issue on your computer.
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Why Valorant DX11 Feature Level 10.0 is Required To Run The Engine error?
You can get to see these error message if your windows computer or laptop is not having directX feature 3d and if your drivers are not enable to use GPU hardware while playing games and if you have corrupted drivers or corrupted graphic cards issues and you need to install the latest directX 3D hardware and supported DirectX Graphics on windows computer.
Where Can i Download DirectX 10.0 or 11.0 end user Runtime Web Installer
Search in google and go to official microsoft DirectX End user runtime web installer page and then download DirectX supported version 10 or 11 and higher version on your computer and install DirectX