On your lg smart tv if your netflix app is not working all of sudden and cant open netflix app or netflix stuck on loading screen cant find netflix app on lg tv or if you have updated your lg smart tv to latest software version and updated and netflix is not working after update then you can follow these simple and easy troubleshooting methods and fix the issue of Netflix on lg smart tv.
Apps not working on lg smart tv is common issue and error codes like netflix error code NW-36 and any of lg smart tv user can experience at any time and the most common reasons for apps not working is app compatibility or cache issues or any other software related issue and by just performing power reset or internet related issue or netflix or lg smart tv software updates can cause these issue.
Fix Netflix Not Working on Lg Smart tv
Below lg smart tv troubleshooting methods will help you fix netflix not working or stuck on logo or netflix freezing or becomes unresponsive issue on lg smart tv.
Power Reset LG Smart tv
Step 1:Turn on your lg smart tv using remote
Step 2: Now, remove power plug from wall socket
Step 3: Now, wait for 50-60 seconds and plug back the power cable of lg smart tv and then plug back the removed power cable of lg smart tv to the wall socket.
Step 4: Now, turn on your lg smart tv and once you turn on lg smart tv.
Now, Go ahead and open the netflix app and your issue of netflix not working or frozen or stuck or any other issue should be resolved.
Reset Modem or Router
Sometimes, there may be an issue with network connection as well which may cause an issue of netflix not working on lg smart tv.
Step 1: Go to your router or modem and press reset button on it.
Step 2: wait for 60 seconds and then turn on your router or modem.
Step 3: Now, wait for your router to turn on completely and connect your lg smart tv to wifi.
Once your lg smart tv gets connected to wifi then open netflix on lg smart tv and netflix should work property now without any issue.
Clear Cache and Clear All Data of Netflix app
Due to cache you can experience this issue of netflix not working on your lg smart tv. Once you clear cache and clear all data it will work fine.
Step 1: Grab your remote and go to settings
Step 2: Go to application manager -> Select Show system apps
Step 3: Storage -> Select netfix app and tap on clear cache and confirm clearing cache in pop up.
Step 4: Now, select clear all data and tap on ok and clear all data of netflix app and then go ahead and restart lg smart tv.
Once you restart your lg smart tv and clear cache and clear all data of netflix app then you wont get any error of netflix not working on lg smart tv.
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Update LG Smart tv and Netflix app
You need to check for any latest software version is available on your lg smart tv and update it to the latest lg smart tv software version and also check with the netflix app as well and if netflix app update is available then update netflix app using lg content store and select update and wait for update to complete with new version of netflix app.
Reinstall Netflix App
Go ahead and delete or uninstall netflix app and then install netflix app and fix the issue of lg smart tv netflix not working issue.
Uninstall Netflix App
Step 1: Grab lg smart tv remote and press home button.
Step 2: Go to lg content store -> navigate to apps section.
Step 3: Find netflix app and click on uninstall or delete.
You can uninstall netflix app from home screen as well by just locating netflix app on home screen and then press middle ok button on your remote and in popup window select delete or uninstall option here and wait for lg smart tv to uninstall netflix app from your lg smart tv.
Install Netflix app
Step 1: Press home button on your remote and go to settings
Step 2: Navigate to lg content store and find netflix app or search for netflix app in lg content store.
Step 3: Select netflix app and click on install button and wait for your lg smart tv to install netflix app.
That’s it. You need to login to netflix using your login details and cnce you uninstall and reinstall netflix app on your lg smart tv your issue of netflix not working or netflix frozen or netflix black screen on lg tv or not working after update or any other issue will be resolved successfully.
Netflix Not Working on LG TV After Update
If you have updated your lg smart tv to the latest software version and after update you cant open netflix app then there is a software version issue and the updated software version on lg smart tv is not compatible with the present netflix version which is installed on your lg smart tv.
To fix this issue of Netflix not working on lg tv after update you need to update netflix app to latest version and uninstall and reinstall netflix to fix netflix not working after update issue.