What is Nofollow Meta Tag & When and How to Use No Follow Tag

Nofollow meta tag tells google bot not to index the page and if you want your page not to be shown in google search then you need to use noindex meta tag which blocks google.

What is Nofollow Meta Tag

No follow links tells Google search engine not to follow the link. All webmasters are well aware of nofollow Meta tag and its everywhere on the web and nofollow Meta tags are very common on web weigh against too keen understanding. Nofollow meta tags provides a way to search engines to tell don’t follow the links on the page containing nofollow link, No follow for a specific link.

All external links of other websites like Wikipedia are will be having nofollow meta tags and that doesn’t mean nothing to the Google algorithms to do in any means.

Nofollow Meta tag: How to Add?

Here is the robots nofollow Meta tag declared: No follow meta tag can be added to the attribute relation no follow html.

nofollow meta tag seo
nofollow meta tag seo

Mostly no follow links are declared for sign in links with a no follow meta tag will be declared like this:

relation nofollow meta tag
relation nofollow meta tag

How Google Treats Nofollow Meta tag:

If nofollow meta tag is seen by Google bots it will be treated as don’t follow the specific link which contains nofollow tag, this means google doesn’t not consider or google does not follow or transfer the link for page rank. Nofollow meta tag will be droped by google from overall ranking and Nofollow meta tag might be considered differently by other search engines differently compared to google search engines.

What Does Nofollow Meta Tag Do:

Nofollow meta tag is a html attribute that is added to the anchor link of a website instructing search engine bots that the hyper link added with nofollow meta tag not to follow and will be treated differently with link exchanging or link juice techniques schema for search engine index.

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2. How Search Engine Works and Ranking: Crawling, Indexing Process

3. 2018 New Features of Google Search Console: URL Inspection, Index Status

4. Indexed though blocked by robots.txt file issue Fix Errors

5. Importance of Content in SEO

When to use nofollow Meta tag:

No webmaster will be using nofollow meta tag just like that nofollow meta tag will be used by webmasters for a particular reasons they might be considered here are few reasons to consider nofollow meta tag:

Untrusted Content

Well with the untrusted content mostly comes with the spammers who post content on your website forums or comment section of your website and website owners will be automatically considering those links to be considered as nofollow and Google bot will be treated as don’t follow those links so that it will not affect the website, mostly spammers do this with the content which is untrusted by the website owners without their note and those links will be no-followed by Google search engines which affect their ranking in Google search by chance and there is no guarantee that these may affect your search results ranking a bit.

Crawl Priorities:

Mostly for sign in and sign up and social sharing referral links and there is no need for Google search engines to tell them to crawl them. Most of them will be using no follow Meta tag.

Paid Links:

By adding nofollow meta tag it is safe to buy links. Paid links will be the most SEO and webmasters using nofollow meta tag and there is no need for Google to tell them crawl the paid links as Google will be able to detect what are paid links and natural links so using nofollow meta tag will be keeping them safer side for any penalties. And there is an analysis for the sites that link to it coz paid links will be negatively impacting Google search engines.

Do nofollow meta tag helps SEO:

No it doesn’t help you in gaining ranking boost but it will be helping search engines to understand your website clearly. Yes it helps seo by adding nofollow meta tag adding to a link which does not allow search engines to follow the links which are added with nofollow meta tag and it drops from crawling the link having nofollow meta tag.

Ramana Tula is a - Technical Content Writer and he is a Full stack Web and Android Developer also - SEO Manager and also manages Digital Marketing.

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