How to Fix Excluded by noindex tag in Search Console

In search console errors reports, if you are seeing excluded by noindex tag error under coverage section this can be fixed easily by remove noindex tag and what this error means you have you have Block search indexing with ‘noindex’ a particular page or section of pages and will be excluded from indexing as well, lets see how to fix excluded by noindex tag in search console.

Fix Excluded by Noindex tag in Search Console:

You don’t need to worry about this error excluded by noindex tag in search console if meta tag noindex is placed by you. If noindex is placed accidentally then remove it and submit it for validation. If it is placed accidentally then only fix this error or else you can ignore this excluded by noindex tag in search console.

Search console has plenty of errors listed and search console reports each and every error, even if it is not an error, some times, like if a publisher wants to make a particular page not to index in google search, then meta tag noindex will be used to excluded the page from google search index. Likely, if Google bot see’s this noindex meta tag in the process of crawling, then Google identifies the Noindex Meta Tag and triggers an error in search console, Notifying the search console owners, raises error “excluded by noindex tag” in search console.

To fix Excluded by Noindex tag in Search console, just go ahead and remove the noindex tag from particular page. If you don’t want to index google says to remove that page.

Excluded by noindex tag in Search Console in WordPress:

If you are using WordPress CMS website then WordPress and using yoast there will be feed url which will be excluded which is common and wordpress behaves on how you set up your website and allow to index or not.

Reasons why Noindex tag in search console triggers error:

If you want google not to index web page in google, so google wants to remove the page from your website or throw a valid 404. If you don’t want page to index then you don’t want that page on your website as well. If you are using user generated content, or aggregate content then place a meta tag ug content, affiliate meta tags.

What is Excluded by Noindex tag in search console?

If you are blocking search engine with robots directive or noindex meta tag then you will see an error excluded by Noindex.

Too Many Excluded by Noindex tag errors?

If you haven’t instructed google bot to not to index your pages. Then you don’t need to worry. If you haven’t blocked your pages and instructed google bot, then you need to remove noindex meta tag (robots directives).

Ramana Tula is a - Technical Content Writer and he is a Full stack Web and Android Developer also - SEO Manager and also manages Digital Marketing.

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