Samsung TV Internet Browser Not Playing Videos

Samsung tv does have pre-built internet brewers and you can browser internet using samsung tv default internet browser and if you play videos on internet browser and samsung smart tv is unable to play videos then you need to make sure that your browser is updated to latest version and update firmware of samsung smart tv.

Samsung smart tv does not support flash media player on internet browser and videos cant play videos and use apps instead playing videos on samsung default browser. 

Fix Samsung Internet Browser Not Playing Videos

To play videos on samsung tv web browser flash player is required and samsung tv doesn’t support it, it does require flash player installed when you play videos on internet browser and it is recommended to go to samsung smart hub and install necessary apps and watch videos on samsung tv app itself instead of using or playing videos.

Can Samsung tv Internet Browser Play Videos?

To play videos on samsung internet browser, it requires flash player to play videos on default browser of samsung tv and samsung tv doesn’t support flash media and it cant play videos on samsung tv.

What to Do if Samsung tv Can’t Play Videos on Default Browser?

You need to go to the smart hub and install necessary app like if you are playing youtube videos on samsung internet browser, then go ahead and install youtube app and start streaming youtube on samsung smart tv using apps.

It can be anything like any app which you stream on samsung internet browser, like any video streaming apps like hotstar, Netflix, HBO Max, News App or etc.

Samsung tv Not Playing Videos From USB or External Drive?

If samsung tv is not playing videos from external drive or usb flash drive then you video format file is not support and you need to convert mp3, mp4 to supported video format and cover video and then play video on samsung tv.

Swapna Reddy
Swapna Reddy
Swapna Reddy is a Tech Content Writer and has a Degree of MTech Completed in 2011 and has an experience of more than 8 years as tech content writer and she writes about methods and solutions to fixing daily experiencing issues and helps users to resolve issues with All Smart tv'z, Computers, iPhone, Android, Windows, Mac and Optimizing methods and other tech related articles with real time experiences and fixes.

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