Turn OFF Home Auto Launch on LG Smart tv

On lg smart tv if you want to turn off home auto launch then you can easily turn off home auto launch and get rid of home screen apps loading when your lg smart tv is starting up and also get rid of taskbar apps loading on lg smart tv as well and turn off taskbar on lg smart tv on home screen when you turn on lg smart tv. So, let’s see in detail below.

Turn OFF Home Auto Launch on LG tv

You can set it to home to display on lg smart tv and when lg smart tv is turned on and also turn off as well in home settings on lg smart tv.

Turn OFF Home Auto Launch on LG Smart TV

Below steps will help you get rid of home auto launch apps on lg tv and disable it from your lg smart tv home screen.

Step 1: Press home button on lg smart tv

Step 2: Select All settings

Step 3: Select General

Step 4: Select System

Step 5: Select Additional Settings

Step 6: Select Home Settings

Step 7: Turn off Home Auto launch and disable it.

That’s it, once you turn off home auto launch settings on lg smart tv then home will not display when you turn on lg smart tv.

Can i turn off Home Auto Launch on Lg tv

Yes! You can turn off and disable home auto launch and disable it and get rid of home apps loading when turning on lg smart tv and enable it whenever you want on lg smart tv by going to home settings on lg smart tv and turn off home auto launch and turn it off and turn on.

Why to Turn off Home Auto Launch on LG Smart tv

When you turn off home auto launch on lg smart tv it will not display home and it will not load apps when you turn on lg smart tv and it will also effect on loading apps when you turn on lg smart tv to respond slow as well.

What Happens When you turn off Home Auto Launch Settings

After turning off home auto launch it will disable lg smart tv home apps on the taskbar and this is how you turn off taskbar menu on lg smart tv home screen and will avoid loading apps when turning on lg smart tv.

Vangari Divya
Vangari Divya
Divya is Content Writer and Author and also Reviews Technology Related Articles and Editorial Expert Team Member at A Savvy Web for more than 5 years. She has a Degree in Bachelor of Technology (Btech) and Master of Technology (Mtech) From Kakatiya University. She has an Expertise in Providing Troubleshooting tips and fixes (solutions) and how to articles and helps to solve issues on Technology Related subjects like iPhone, Android, iOS, Windows, All Smart tv’s and other tech related information.

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