Here we’re gonna show you how to fix your Toshiba TV if it won’t connect to Wi-Fi with basic troubleshooting methods which helps you get up and running connecting to wifi on Toshiba Smart tv. This procedure will work with all Toshiba models including the Toshiba fire TV. we’re gonna show you several methods for fixing this problem and try each of these methods. Let’s see in detail how to fix toshiba smart tv not connecting to wifi.
How to Fix Toshiba Smart TV Not Connecting to WIFI
Below simple methods will help you fix wifi not connecting on toshiba smart tv and make sure your Toshiba smart tv is close to wifi router and having good wifi signal strength.
Method 1:Unplugging the Cable and Plug Back after 60 Seconds
By just unplugging the power cable from your toshiba smart tv you can fix wifi connecting issues on toshiba tv.
The first thing to try here is really the simplest and in most cases this one will actually work so you might not even need to go on. Just follow the below steps.
Step 1: Turn on your Toshiba smart tv and unplug your TV from the wall.l
Step 2: Wait about 60 seconds. Now don’t be impatient here, wait the 60 seconds.
Step 3: And then plug it back and this will reset your TV. now this is a lot different than switching the remote on and off. so do it from the wall plug.
If this solves your problem you’re set if not let’s go on to the next try.
Method 2:Unplugging the router
The second fix is to check the router. This can be done by following steps.
Step 1: Unplug your router and wait 60 seconds.
Step 2: Then plug it back in. Now before you check your TV make sure your router goes back online .it’ll go through a bunch of self tests and usually about two minutes. Later it ‘ll be back online. If this solves your problem great, if not this last fix should almost definitely solve your problem .
Method 3: Place Router Close to Toshiba Smart tv inrange
If your router or modem is kep far away from your toshiba smart tv then you need to make sure your router is in range and restrat your router once and then try to connect to wifi network on toshiba tv. Make sure you are connecting to your home wifi network only.
Method 4: Factory Reset and Restore to Original Settings
However this last fix is a factory reset so it will return your TV to the same way it was when you first took it out of the box for most models out there including the fire TV. To do this you must follow the below steps.
Step 1: Press the home button
Step 2: Go to settings
Step 3: Select device and software
Step 4: Then reset to factory defaults
Why does my Toshiba TV keep disconnecting from WiFi?
If your toshiba smart tv is not connecting to wifi or keeps disconnecting your wifi connection then possible reasons are your internet issue and have strong internet connection.
The other reason would be that your wifi router is not close enough to your Toshiba smart tv which is not in range of your toshiba smart tv which leads to wifi signal drop and causes your wifi disconnecting frequently.