If you are having element Roku tv and trying to connect wifi internet and your wifi internet is not connecting even though you have setup correctly providing password and selecting your home network or your wifi internet is connected and working properly and all of sudden stopped connecting to wifi internet on you element roku tv, then you can easily fix this issue by following below steps, so, lets see them in detail how to fix Element Roku TV wifi internet not connecting.
How to Fix Element Roku TV wifi internet not connecting
Access System operating menu and Enable Network pings
Step 1: Grab your remote and press home button
Step 2: Press home button five times
Step 3: Press forward button
Step 4: Press play button
Step 5: Press rewind button.
Step 6: Press play button
Step 7: Press forward button.
Once you press the above key combinations one by one, then on your element roku tv, a platform secret screen will be prompted and from here you can access system operating menu.
Step 8: From here go to system operations menu and press ok
Step 9: Scroll down and press ok on Network Menu
Step 10: Now click on Disable Network pings and enable network pings.
Once you enable network pings->go to home page and exit the screens and try to connect your wifi internet and your Element Roku tv will be connecting without any issue.
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1) Fix ALL Hisense Roku tv No audio, sound not working
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3) How to fix Roku wifi not connecting
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5) How to Install Apps on a Philips Roku TV
Restart your Element Roku TV using Remote:
Step 1: Grab your element tv remote and press home button 5 times
Step 2: Press Up arrow once.
Step 3: Press rewind button twice
Step 4: Now press forward twice
Step 5: Now your element Roku tv will freeze for 30 seconds
Step 6: After 30 seconds your element roku tv will restart (reboot)
That’s it, once you element Roku tv restarts go ahead and connect your wifi internet, it will be connected without any issues.
If network pings are disabled then your element tv wifi will not connect to internet.
Access system operating menu from platform screen settings on your element tv and enable network pings.
Enable Network pings and restart your element roku tv using remote by perfoming key combination restart or reboot.