Remove Emergency Call From Lock Screen Samsung S22, S21

On your samsung home screen if you want to remove camera icon which comes default can be removed easily and you can replace camera app icon from app shortcut settings and if you want to remove emergency call button from samsung lock screen then you can easily remove it and replace emergency call button as well easily by going to app shortcut settings on your samsung mobile s22, s21, or any other samsung mobile.

Emergency call is a useful feature and it helps if you are in need to make an emergency call on samsung mobile and sometimes, accidentally you can press emergency call button and emergency feature will be triggered unknowingly on lock screen and if you want to remove emergency call button then you can remove it as well.

Why does my Samsung Phone Keep Calling the Emergency Number?

On your samsung mobile by default, emergency call button icon will be enabled on lock screen settings and its a shortcut emergency call button feature enabled on left click is enabled with emergency call button and if accidentally emergency call button gets preseed or triggered then samsung phone keeps calling emergency call number due to pp shortcut icon present on lock screen.

Can I Disable Emergency Call Button on Samsung Mobile?

Yes! You can remove the emergency call button icon and also camera app icon from lock screen settings on samsung mobile by going to shortcut settings on your samsung settings.

Where are App Shortcut Lock Screen Settings on Samsung Mobile?

You can go to settings and tap on lock screen settings and then tap on left shortcut and disable left click option on samsung mobile.

How do i Get rid of Remove emergency call from lock screen Samsung mobile

Step 1: Open settings on Samsung Mobile

Step 2: Tap on Lock Screen option from where you can manage all lock screen settings and add app shortcuts or remove or replace existing shortcuts.

Step 3: Now, tap on Shortcuts

Step 4: Tap on Left Shortcut.

Step 5: Now, toggle button here and turn off emergency shortcut call button to appear on your Samsung lock screen.

Thats it, this is how you remove emergency call button from your Samsung lock screen and disable left shortcut option in shortcut settings of Samsung mobile.

Lakshmi Durga
Lakshmi Durga
Lakshmi Durga is Senior Content Writer and Author and Also a Senior Editorial Team Member at A Savvy Web for More than 5 Years and She writes about technology related subject troubleshooting guides and helps users to solve issues. She has a Degree of Bachelor of Technology (Btech) from Kakatiya University and (Master of Technology) Mtech at Kakatiya University and JNTU university and is a real time Technology expert. She is a Real time Tech Expert and enthusiastic and has an Expertize in this technology area and writes specially on troubleshooting guides, solutions and tips and fixes and how to articles on Tech Related subjects like iPhone, Android, iOS, Smart tv and other tech related information.

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