How to Fix Structure data Vocabulary Deprecated Error in Search Console

Google often makes changes to structure data and deprecates as well and google deprecated data vocabulary structure data and you need to update the code with new update structure data format and test rich results tool.

What is Structure Data

Structure data helps to organize data in a structured way what a website is offering for users and allow google bot to crawl and render data easily which helps google bot to crawl and index.

Structure Deprecated by Google

There are different types of structure data schema markup’s available on web like article, person, recipes etc… based with the usage of increased rapidly and now google decided to concentrate of single Structure data schema and deprecated markup will no longer be eligible to appear in google rich search results features and find more about deprecated data-vocabulary:

Search Console Notification data-vocabulary deprecated Error:

As soon as google made changes google started sending notification in search console who are using data-vocabulary schema mark-up as warning message.

How to Fix data-vocabulary error in Search Console

If you have received data-vocabulary structure data error in search console, you need to make few changes and update the code to fix error for example:

Changes to make and fix Error to

deprecated data-vocabulary-markup-google

schema-markup by google

After making above changes test your structure data implementation in rich results here

Why You are Getting data-vocabulary Structure data error in Search Console:

If your website is using data-vocabulary structure data then you will get notification in seach console and error in search console and you should remove data-vocabulary structure data with

Why Suddenly Structure Data-Vocabulary Error in Search Console

Google deprecated data-vocabulary structure data and if google detects data-vocabulary SD then google you will see error.

What Happens if i Don’t fix data-vocabulary Error

If you don’t fix this error your website will not be eligible to show in google search rich results and which will affect your website.

Ramana Tula is a - Technical Content Writer and he is a Full stack Web and Android Developer also - SEO Manager and also manages Digital Marketing.

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