How to fix Firestick tv remote not working

If firestick tv remote is not working try below solution

if you are facing issues with firestick tv not responding to buttons or your firestick tv remote is not syncing or not connecting or not working or facing any connectivity issue with firestick tv remote, then you can fix easily by power recycling firestick tv and reconnecting your firestick remote to your firestick tv and fix firestick tv remote not working by following below steps.

Amazon firestick remote not working

How to fix firestick tv remote not working

To fix firestick tv remote first thing you need to do is power reset firestick remote and by performing Power resetting firestick remote will fix any power issues and will fix any pairing issues with firestick tv remote when you power reset and with problems with router will be fixed.

Required supplies

  • Amazon Firestick tv, Smart tv, Firestick remote

Required tools

  • Firestick tv, Firestick remote

Total cost: USD 0


Total time: 5 minutes

  1. Unplug power supply from firestick

    Unplug power supply from firestick

    Unplug power cables from back of your tv and wall sockets and

    disconnect router or modem

  2. Wait for 60 seconds

    After disconnecting power cables wait for 60 seconds.

  3. Plug back power cable and turn on your firestick tv

    After 1 minute, plug back all disconnected power cables back to firestick tv and router/modem.


That’s it, after power cycling, go ahead and check your amazon firestick tv is working or not, if not try the below methods to fix firestick tv remote not working.

Power Cycle Firestick tv Remote:

Step 1: Grab your remote and remove both batteries from firestick tv remote

Step 2: Wait for 60 seconds

Step 3: Insert both batteries back in firestick tv remote.

Press and hold power button:

Pressing and holding power button for 10 seconds will start pairing process and reconnecting Bluetooth and connect your firestick tv again (disconnecting and reconnecting and will pair and sync your firestick tv).

Step 1: Press and hold firestick tv remote for 10 seconds

Step 2: After 10 seconds let go power button

Step 3: Now, wait for pairing process to complete

Step 4: Once pairing process completes, on the right side bottom corner you will see remote connected notification once firestick gets connected.

Once your firestick gets  connected, go ahead and check with your firestick remote, now, your firestick tv remote will be working fine without any issues of firestick not working any more.

Use Amazon fire tv remote app if firestick remote is not working:

You can alternatively use amazon fire tv app with simple setup process and use amazon fire tv app as remote and use it and setup process is really simple, just go ahead and download amazon firestick remote app from google play store or iTunes and download and complete setup process and use your mobile as firestick tv remote.

Firestick tv remote suddenly stopped working?

This can be due to connectivity issues, go ahead and power recycle firestick tv app will fix the issue.

Disconnect and reconnect firestick tv remote

To fix firestick tv remote app, you need to press and hold power button for 10 seconds and wait for it to connect and once connected, your firestick remote will be working fine.

Ramana Tula is a - Technical Content Writer and he is a Full stack Web and Android Developer also - SEO Manager and also manages Digital Marketing.

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