Power reset -> Remove power plug -> Wait for 20-30 seconds -> then Plug back power cable and turn on your element tv.
Reset your element tv and change hdmi cable and hdmi ports and replace your hdmi cable wire and update your element roku tv software to the latest version.

On your element Roku tv if you are having issues with black screen or blank screen but sound still works and its happening all of sudden then this can be with screen related problem or backlight issue or a temporary glitch.

By performing a simple power reset and updating element Roku tv to latest software and others element tv troubleshooting methods will help you fix element rRoku tv black screen issues. So, let’s see in detail below.
Fix Element Roku tv Black Screen or Blank Screen
The following troubleshooting methods will help you fix black screen on element roku tv.
Power Reset Element Roku tv
Step 1: Turn on your element roku tv
Step 2: Remove power plug from wall socket and disconnect all power connections
Step 3: Now wait for 30 seconds
Step 4: After 30 seconds -> Go ahead and plug back the removed power cable back to the wall and power plugs and turn on your element roku tv.
That’s it, once you reset your element roku tv then your issue with element roku tv black screen or flickering screen, dim screen, random black screen on element roku tv will be fixed successfully.
Restart Element Roku tv using key Combination
Make sure you are having a roku tv remote, if you are having a universal remote it will not work, you need to try restarting your roku tv by unplugging the power cable method.
Step 1: Turn on your element roku tv and grab your remote and perform a key combination method.
Step 2: Press Home button 5 times and then Up button Once and Rewind Button twice and fast forward twice.
Step 3: Once you press all buttons your element roku tv will trigger a restart method and it will restart and during this process your element roku tv may also get frozen for a couple of seconds as well. Just let it completely restart and it will turn off and turn on a couple of times.
That’s it, once your element roku tv restarts you will not face any issue with element roku tv black screen issue or element tv frozen or stuck on any other issue.
This key combination method will fix almost any issues and you can try this method to fix other issues and troubleshoot element roku tv.
Also Read: 1) How to Fix Element Roku TV Dim Screen or Backlight or brightness Issue
2) How to Browse Internet on Element Smart TV Wirelessly, Ethernet (Roku tv)
3) How to Install Apps on Element Smart TV
4) How to fix Roku not Connecting to TV
5) How to fix Element Roku tv Remote Not Working
Check Faulty HDMI Cable Wire and Change HDMI Cable Port
You need to check whether your hdmi cable is damaged or faulty, sometimes your hdmi cable may be loose and become unresponsive may be causing this issue to black screen all of sudden.
So, go ahead and remove hdmi cable from back of your element roku tv and insert it properly again and tight and check if there is an issue with hdmi cable wire then it will be fixed.
Change HDMI Cable Port on Element Roku tv
HDMI cable port damaged or corrupted can also lead to this issue -> So, go ahead and change the hdmi cable port and insert hdmi cable to another port on your element roku tv on back of your tv and select the hdmi source on your remote.
If you have inserted hdmi cable on hdml cable 2 then select source 2 on your element smart tv. If there is an issue with hdmi cable port then it will not show blakc screen on element roku tv.
What Causes ELement Roku tv Black Screen
Element roku tv black screen issue can be caused due to loose cable connection inserted on back of your element roku tv or it can be faulty cables/hdmi ports and also it can be a temporary glitch and updating your element roku tv to latest software version will fix black screen on element roku tv.