Fix – YouTube not working on Vizio Smart Tv

If you are having vizio smart tv and you are having issues with vizio smart tv experiencing problems with YouTube app like, YouTube not opening, YouTube with blank screen, frozen, when you click on YouTube nothing happens, or YouTube loading issues or any other issues on your vizio smart tv with YouTube app, then you can fix this issue by performing different methods to fix this issue, so lets see in detail how to fix YouTube not working on Vizio Smart Tv below.

YouTube not working on Vizio Smart Tv

Unplug power cable to fix YouTube not working on Vizio Smart Tv

Step 1: Turn your tv on and unplug power cable.

Step 2: wait for 60 seconds and plug back power cable to wall or any outlet.

Step 3: Turn your vizio smart tv back and open YouTube you will be up and running.

Once you power reset, YouTube app on your vizo smart tv will be working normally without any issue like YouTube not working on Vizio Smart Tv any more. If still facing issues, then you can try below methods.

Unplug All power cables to fix YouTube not working on VIZIO Smart Tv

Step 1: Turn on your and vizio smart tv unplug all power cord connectors like WIFI router, modem, power outlet and etc.

Step 2: Wait for 60 seconds and plug in all power connectors them back.

Step 3: Turn on your tv and you will be up and running with YouTube working normally without any issues.

Update vizio smart tv Software to fix YouTube not working on Vizio Smart Tv

Step 1: On your remote ->tap on menu button->Navigate to settings.

Step 2: Click on System and press enter or ok

Step 3: Now click on check for updates and you will be prompted with, are you sure you want to check for updates -> Click on Yes.

Step 4: If your Vizio smart tv software is uptodate, you will be notified with TV is uptodate, if not it will prompt with software update available.

Step 5: If software update is available->click on update and your Vizio smart tv will update it to latest Vizio smart tv update.

That’s it, once you update your software on vizio smart tv your YouTube not working on VIzio Smart Tv will be working normally without any issues.

Factory Reset to fix YouTube not working on VIzio Smart Tv

Step 1: Grab your remote and press Menu->System->Reset and admin.

Step 2: Click on Reset to factory settings.

Step 3: Once you click on reset to factory settings your vizio smart tv will reset your entire tv and will turn off and turn on again.

Once you reset factory settings of vizo smart tv, everything on your vizio smart tv will be working fine without fail.

Why YouTube not working on VIzio Smart Tv?

This can be due to software update or a temporary glitch or anything.

How to fix YouTube not working on VIzio Smart Tv?

You can fix this issue by power reset vizio smart tv by unplugging power cable, updating vizo smart tv software and few other methods which will help you fix YouTube not working on VIzio Smart Tv.

Ramana Tula is a - Technical Content Writer and he is a Full stack Web and Android Developer also - SEO Manager and also manages Digital Marketing.

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