WhatsApp rolled a new update and now on your WhatsApp under your status you will see a new option called channels and using channels option you can follow celebrities and you will receive updates on WhatsApp directly if you follow them.
Well, some users find it annoying receiving links and getting too many messages and want to remove WhatsApp channels and if you want to get rid of whatsapp channels from your mobile then you can turn off and remove whatsapp channels easily on android or iphone and stop seeing channels on whatsapp by downgrading whatsapp to previous old version.
Remove WhatsApp Channels Option
Follow below steps and remove whatsapp channels option on your mobile.
Step 1: Open whatsapp on your mobile
Step 2: Tap on Profile icon
Step 3: Scroll down and Tap on Chat option.
Step 4: Check your google account email and select include videos and tap on backup and wait for backup to complete.
Step 5: Now, uninstall whatsapp from your mobile
Step 6: Now, Open google chrome and search for whatsapp apk older version and open trusted website here.
Step 7: Now, download older version of whatsapp which is of August 2023 and download the apk file on to your mobile.
Step 8: Now, install august version of whatsapp apk and restore whatsapp backup from drive link and start using whatsapp without channels.
That’s it, once you install an older version of whatsapp (august) version then you will not get to see channels option on whatsapp and you need to turn off whatsapp updates from google play store as well, once installing older version of whatsapp.
Turn off WhatsApp Auto Updates Option on Google Play Store
If you turn on whatsapp auto updates option, then after downgrading whatsapp to older version will automatically update to the latest new version and you need to turn off whatsapp auto update in google play store settings.
Step 1: Open google play store and tap on profile icon on top right side
Step 2: Tap on Settings
Step 3: Tap on Network Preference
Step 4: Tap on Auto Updates and Select Don’t Auto-Update Apps and tap on Ok.
Once you set the option here, don’t auto update apps, then whatsapp app or any apps on your mobile will not get auto update and you need to manually update apps if a new version of app is available.
Hide Channels Section from WhatsApp
Open whatsapp -> Updates -> Tap on View Updates and if you have whatsapp status then channels option will go down.
If you want to hide instead of downgrading the whatsapp version then you can go to settings on whatsapp and change them.