If you have shared your Netflix password with someone else with your family or friends and when you are trying to login to your netflix accounts you are getting error message Saying “Too Many People Using Your Account and upgrade your account then you need to logout of all logged in netflix devices and then try to login and you will not get Too Many People Using Your Account error on netflix.

You can sign out of all logged in devices on netflix by going to netflix website and all logged in users of your netflix account will be kicked off from netflix and then you will be able to login to netflix and you may need to change password if you don’t detect device that is yours or your friends or family watching netflix without knowing.
How many devices can i watch Netflix on one account

Depends on which Netflix subscription plan or Premium plan you have, for mobile netflix plan you can download netflix on one device at a time, For Basic Plan – 1 device supported and with standard plan 2 devices supported at a time, With Netflix Premium Plan you can watch up to 4 supported devices at a time and download on 6 supported devices at a time.
Can I watch Netflix in 2 different houses?
Yes! You can watch as long as you are logging in to netflix using the main account and login of netflix screen limit is different from netflix subscription plans and Netflix pricing changes.
Screen Limit Notice on Netflix
You will see screen limit notice when you login to your netflix account if too many people are using your netflix account not logged in at a time and streaming Netflix and you need to upgrade your account or sign out of all devices on netflix and then login to your account.
How Do i Sign Out of Netflix on All Devices
You can simply go to netflix website on web browser and go to account settings and sign out of all devices and this will logout all signed in accounts of your netflix accounts and you need to change password here to get rid of too many people using your account at the moment issue
Using Mobile – iPhone, iPad or Android Device
Step 1: Open Netflix app and login to your account and then tap on Profile picture on left side top corner.
Step 2: Scroll down and Tap on Accounts
Step 3: Tap on Security and Privacy and expand this section
Step 4: Tap on Sign out of All Devices and Tap on Sign Out to confirm signout of all devices.
Using Web Browser – chrome, Safari, Edge, Mozilla
You can also sign out of all logged in devices on netflix using a web browser from your laptop, desktop or macbook computers.
Step 1: Open chrome, safari, or any other browser on your laptop or computer
Step 2: Go to Netflix website and login
Step 3: Click on Profile icon on top right side and click on Accounts
Step 4: Scroll down and find and tap on Signout of all devices option and confirm signout of all devices.
Once you sign out of all devices, then all logged in users who are already logged in will be kicked off and they will be signed out automatically and then you will be able to login to your netflix account if the account limit is reached or exceeded.
You can change your netflix account password and prevent netflix account limit reached or too many people are using your account issue on Netflix.